Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Do's And Dont's With Regards To Commencing A Home Based ...

Posted on November 19th, 2012

Using an internet business generally is one of the most fulfilling components in your life if you know what you?re performing. It could be challenging to find out the best ways to go about running your business, especially when you?re working hard at the company itself. Here are several issues to keep in mind as you work towards success.Here is the latest Target coupons

If you have not currently recognized a solid system of specialist connections than now could be not time to start out your own personal business. It is essential to have several associates in many various areas as one never knows which kind of support or enterprise bargain you may need to make.

When generating an online business, make sure you execute a competitive value verify before starting. When you haven?t done this, you may be costs your self out from company just before your organization has truly even started out! And you could learn that the things you believed was really a winning business structure may not function in case the price ranges being offered by the competitors are way too lower. Make sure you do your research!

If you are frustrated from commencing a business online due to the fact there is no need money, you need to know that you could qualify for a financial loan. Many people are unaware of this and turn out giving up on his or her aspiration to have a home based business. Make sure you verify rates of interest prior to getting financing.

Operating in your own home makes it effortless to be a hermit. At times it may be empowering, but it is also unhappy simply being all by yourself more often than not. Take some time in your schedule to get in touch with other individuals, and merely get out of the house. Do whatever you like to do that reminds you you are section of the world.

So many people are thinking about commencing their own home business and turning into their very own employer. Even so they are not very positive, how or exactly where they need to start off. After reading this article, you ought to have a greater idea of the way to get started off with your personal home based business and getting your own personal employer.

Source: http://grooven.org/the-dos-and-donts-with-regards-to-commencing-a-home-based-business

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What's The Beef With College Football Rankings

College football bowl season is just around the corner, and with it comes the seemingly perennial controversy around the bowl game selection process. Rachel Martin and NPR's Mike Pesca discuss the vagaries of the Bowl Championship Series ranking system, and why you can't just blame it on computers.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2012/11/18/165399636/whats-the-beef-with-college-football-rankings?ft=1&f=1055

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Friday 16 November 2012

Gambling on a game: FIFA 13 and Virgin Gaming | Game On

Every so often an advert pops up in the upper left corner of FIFA 13.

?Win money playing in the EA Sports Arena Online Game Mode,? it reads.

The EA Sports Arena is a few menus deep within FIFA 13, but it?s visible enough. Through it, players can connect with a service called Virgin Gaming, which is aligned with Richard Branson?s Virgin mega-brand. Virgin Gaming enables you to bet real money on multiplayer games of FIFA 13, Madden 13 and a number of others. Thus, it allows you to win real money. It also allows you to lose real money.

Virgin Gaming is a service that exists within a strange middle ground of gambling and classification regulation in Australia. Few can or will take responsibility for how it interfaces with games like FIFA 13.

EA Sports argues that such gambling is purely a third party service. The Classification Board has concluded, after being approached by Crikey, that it has ?a very mild viewing impact and can be accommodated within the G (General) classification.? Further, videogames are themselves outside the boundaries of federal gambling law, and thus Virgin Gaming does not fall within the jurisdiction of a regulatory body like ACMA.

And so, every so often, an advert pops up in FIFA 13 that calls on players to gamble. And gambling is what players all over the world have been doing.


?This is the most tense I?ve felt playing this game in five years.?

Jeremy is a dedicated FIFA player (he is also my girlfriend?s brother, and we are good friends). I first heard about Virgin Gaming at lunch with him a few weeks ago, where he mentioned a few of the changes made to his beloved soccer game this year. I had not heard of players being able to bet on console games before. I was surprised.

Curious, I went to his house to watch him play a game. It took less time than I thought to organise?with a computer on his lap and a controller in his hand, Jeremy quickly signed up through the Virgin Gaming website (as directed by his copy of FIFA 13) and linked his Xbox 360 gamertag with the service. He added twenty dollars through a PayPal account, ticked a button to agree that yes, he was over eighteen years old, and was in an open skill level lobby in minutes.

?No more friendlies,? read the tag line. The lobby was disorganised and a little anarchic, with players hustling for games in text chat.

?Any low skill player invite me for 3.00 game now!!!? posted one user.

?Anyone wanna play for 20?? wrote another.

Jeremy settled on a player from the Netherlands, a player whose Virgin Gaming profile showed a win-loss history of 25-12. The bet was four dollars. The match would be the regulation six-minute FIFA halves. The winner?s jackpot, minus Virgin Gaming?s twelve per cent fee, was to be seven dollars and four cents.

Blip?the Xbox notified Jeremy that he had a EA Sports Arena match scheduled. The Dutch player picked Brazil. Jeremy picked Chelsea.

The game was electric. Both players were cautious, happy to defend rather than push for opportunity, but the atmosphere was tense. At half-time, the score was nil all, with few chances made by either player. There was more than pride on the line.

In the forty-eighth minute the Dutch player scored, but Jeremy won a penalty shortly after, leveling the match. It was now that Jeremy noted that he?d never felt so tense in a game of FIFA in years. If it was a tie the whole thing would have to be replayed. Perhaps he would not be so lucky again with a penalty, and real money would have been lost.

Suddenly, Jeremy had the ball with his striker sprinting towards the Dutch player?s keeper. The last line of defense. ?Only the keeper to beat!? screamed the commentary in a rare moment of clarity. The ball entered the back of the net from well outside the box. The game was over. Jeremy had won.

?Aww, you took his money!? said Jeremy?s girlfriend, watching distractedly. Seven dollars and four cents was automatically credited to the Virgin Gaming account, bringing his total to twenty three dollars and four cents. Due to Virgin Gaming?s three dollar fee for withdrawing funds, Jeremy noted dryly, if he cashed out now the whole exercise would have been worth four cents of profit.

There was a momentary high from the win, but we quickly moved on to the next match, which had a higher bet and less tension. The opposite player, this time from Italy, played an arrogant game, and Jeremy lost his connection halfway through. Virgin Gaming automatically ruled that a rematch was required, which the Italian won three nil in uninspiring style. The loss was not so much crushing as mundane. The edge of gambling quickly worn thin.

A few days later I received a text message from Jeremy. He?d played some more FIFA games through Virgin Gaming, betting once again.

?I lost and got really angry and hated myself and the game. It?s fucking toxic.?


How this functions comes down to responsibility. Gambling is a classifiable element of videogames, yet FIFA 13?s Australian classification is ?G?, the lowest possible classification, with the advice that the experience ?may change online?. There is no mention of potential gambling in the Classification Board?s advice.

When I first approached the Classification Board about FIFA 13, the response from Director Donald McDonald was perplexing:

?The Board has contacted the assessors of these games who confirmed that the information provided is accurate. The Board has been advised that the Australian versions of these games do not have the capability to connect online to the Virgin Gaming service.?

Was this miscommunication? Were there different versions of FIFA 13 on Australian shelves? To satisfy myself, I bought my own copy of the game after speaking to some more local FIFA 13 online players. Again, the Virgin Gaming advert appeared. Again, I was able to sign up and schedule wagered matches. Again, I lost some money. This time, I sent photos of this system to the Classification Board for further clarity. The response would take time, I was told.

In the meantime, I contacted EA Sports Australia, hoping they could lend some clarity to the situation. Their full statement follows below:

?Virgin Gaming/EA SPORTS Arena is not a feature within our FIFA 12 / FIFA 13 Packaged Goods Games, which are the products submitted for classification with the OFLC.

The EA SPORTS Arena feature is an optional, age gated online service provided by a third party (Virgin Gaming) on a separate wholly owned website and technology.?The use of this service does not add any extra functionality or features in actual game-play in the game; it simply enables users to compete with each other (subject to the terms and conditions of the third party running the website).

The architecture within FIFA 13 does not permit players to connect to external third party websites?including the Virgin Gaming website?through the game.?

This is a fine distinction. Through FIFA 13, Virgin Gaming is able to schedule matches, track results, and link with and track user data such as gamercards. FIFA 13 itself features adverts for Virgin Gaming, has a menu option for the EA Sports Arena, and displays instructions for signing up for Virgin Gaming, including the function for FIFA 13 to automatically send an Virgin Gaming invite email to the player?s associated address.

But no, FIFA 13 does not connect players directly to Virgin Gaming?s website. And yes, Virgin Gaming is a separate company and runs on separate technology. Thus, EA argues that it is ?not a feature? within FIFA 13. Could a reasonable person understand that the EA Sports Arena is in fact, a ?service provided by a third party?? Does this distinction warrant the Classification Board?s assessors telling them that ?the Australian versions of these games do not have the capability to connect online to the Virgin Gaming service??

At how much distance can you hold a service that advertises gambling using your videogame, in your videogame?

After two weeks, the Classification Board again responded to my enquiries, this time with more depth. The Board acknowledged the banner advertisement for the EA Sports Arena and Virgin Gaming, though noted that it was not a clickable hyperlink. They also acknowledged the EA Sports Arena menu option and the procedure that follows. The Board even connected to Virgin Gaming and ?played several matches.?

Their conclusion was as follows:

?The Board?s view is that the content of the game, including the banner advertisement has a very mild viewing impact and can be accommodated within the G (General) classification. The online component of the gameplay is appropriately represented by the consumer advice ?Caution: Gaming experience may change online?.

The Board does not propose to take any further action in relation to the classification of Fifa 13.?


Australia?s federal legislation that regulates online gambling specifically excludes videogames from its ambit.

?Computer games [are] regarded as games of predominantly skill. They therefore do not fall within the definition of ?gambling service? in the [Interactive Gambling Act], even where there is consideration to play and prizes,? is the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy?s explanation.

It is clear that there is very little in terms of regulation or responsibility for what Virgin Gaming offers FIFA 13 players outside of Virgin Gaming?s own ethical choices and systems.

It is true that Virgin Gaming has checks in place to ensure all players are aged eighteen or above. It is also true that Virgin Gaming?s website has a section on responsible gaming. ?Sometimes we all need to put down the controller,? it reads. There is also a dedicated email address for reporting underaged players.

But beyond what Virgin Gaming feels it has to do, there is little it must do.

I contacted Virgin Gaming and asked for comment on the issues raised by this story, and received only the following in response: ?Virgin Gaming operates is service under skilled gaming laws. Please feel free to contact your local counsel or state government bodies to get further information of skilled gaming laws in your area.?

It?s worth noting that almost nowhere on Virgin Gaming?s website is the word ?gambling? used. ?Gaming? is used almost exclusively, as though to draw distinction between gambling on games of skill and games of chance.

While we?re on responsibility, it?s also worth noting that Virgin Gaming?s Terms & Conditions state they are governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada, and that: ?We make no representation that this Site is operated in accordance with the laws or regulations of, or governed by, other nations.?

And so Australian players can now gamble on FIFA 13 matches, on Madden 13 matches, and on others without much fear of regulation or interference. According to Virgin Gaming, twenty-three million dollars has been won by players through the service. That also means twenty-three million dollars has been lost by players.

In 2010, Australia?s Federal Productivity Commission into problem gambling estimated that there were ?between 80,000 and 160,000 Australian adults suffering severe problem gambling. In addition there are between 230,000 and 350,000 people at moderate risk.?

As a result, and on the prompting of Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, the government made its strongest statement on the impact of gambling in Australia.

?Problem gambling wrecks lives,? said Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. ?For people who are addicted, gambling is a dangerous, damaging drug that hurts, not just gamblers, but also family, friends and workplaces.?

Forget AFL or cricket or rugby: gambling is, in many respects, Australia?s national sport, and informs our culture at every conceivable level.

Last week, a horse race?and its associated betting?stopped a nation, as it supposedly does year after year. Famous Australian sportspeople across multiple codes have been accused or found guilty of being involved in betting on their own sport.

One of Australia?s most popular contemporary television soap operas, Winners & Losers, is based around the success of a lottery syndicate. A significant subplot in the critically acclaimed Jack Irish novels revolves around betting. The plot of what is one of Australia?s greatest films, Wake In Fright, involves a fall from grace through Two-up, Australia?s most traditional game of gambling.

Gambling on videogames is now not only possible, but easy, integrated and encouraged. The distance given to this fact is a predictable continuation of the lack of responsibility for gambling in Australia.

We need to have a conversation about videogames and gambling. There is no more room for the shrugging of shoulders.

Source: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/game-on/2012/11/15/gambling-on-a-game-fifa-13-and-virgin-gaming/

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Friday 2 November 2012

Video: Mayor becomes rescue responder in wake of hurricane

>>> last in the news for running into a house fire to rescue his neighbors. tonight, he was in the news because he invited his neighbors to stay at his house with him. he happens to be the mayor of newark , new jersey, the big city just across the way from new york. and they are having big problems. and tonight, tom brokaw reports on cory booker , a hands-on guy with his hands full.

>> this is mayor cory booker . we have a power situation, obviously.

>> reporter: even before hurricane sandy invaded his town, cory booker had one of the toughest jobs in politics.

>> you guys don't have any young babies or kids in there, do you?

>> reporter: trying to rebuild newark , constantly buffeted by the winds of poverty and crime. now, 94% of newark is without power.

>> we need some lights on in here!

>> right now, i'm sending a tweet out to the resident that was concerned about her sick child.

>> reporter: booker, once a rhodes scholar , is a high-tech mayor. and his constituents know how to catch up. here's a tweet about a power outage sent by, get this, champagne mommy at playboy bunny .

>> what kind of twitter handle do you have here? look at this cute little baby. i have cold milk. we have diapers. i hope those are going to fit.

>> reporter: i caught up with him. and he talked about this new world of governing. can you imagine your predecessors going through this without one of these?

>> look, i can't even remember three, four years ago before i had that power. just for me, the power of twitter alone, i have tens of thousands of my residents who are letting me know about what's going on, telling me about their neighbors that need somebody to get to them right away.

>> reporter: i know that just being mayor in good times is tough. does this just exhaust you? do you say at some point, i can't do this?

>> i'm running on adrenaline, caffeine and a love of the community.

>> reporter: by using twitter to connect with his community, mayor booker says he's helping to keep the faith .

>> we've had amazing zero crimes of opportunity, no looting, no problems like that. i'm going round the clock.

>> reporter: booker achieved superhero status when earlier this year he came home to find his neighbor's house on fire . he charged through the flames to rescue her. you're the hands-on mayor. you rushed into a burning building to save a woman, you're all over the city. now you're the diaper deliveryman.

>> people in crises don't realize how important the small things are. this doesn't necessarily have to be refrigerated right now.

>> reporter: was that family surprised to see --

>> surprising a lot of folks when you get a chance to show up.

>> reporter: with an armful of diapers.

>> when they tweet you and you call them and say, what's the problem? i'll handle it. people are surprised but appreciative. it ignites that spirit within others as well.

>> reporter: booker knows that technology only goes so far. to be a successful politician in any way, a tweet will never replace a hug.

>> you need a hug? thank you so much.

>> that's how it's done in newark . let's take a drive down the shore, about 65 miles south of there, ron allen is in toms river tonight. and, ron, you and i were together last night in point pleasant beach. now you're in toms river , which i would say is kind of the classic middle class , central jersey shore suburb, 80% of us have an aunt hazel. mine lived on jackson avenue in toms river . we used to visit her, go over to the beach. what have you seen in your travels and what are you learning in getting this masters degree on the jersey shore ?

>> reporter: well, first, let me say, i know this place as well, too. i've covered disasters all over the world, but jersey is my home as well. i'm from the northern part of the state, jersey city , montclair. down here, the story is really the destruction that you see that is just really mind-boggling. communities so hard hit that days later, thousands of people haven't been able to even see what happened because they can't come back. authorities are still keeping them out. there's a lot of anger, frustration, a lot of tension because people want to come back in and see what's happened to their homes. they also want to protect their homes. we've been hearing more stories about looting and people concerned about that. we've also heard stories about what people are calling pirates, trying to rob homes in the darkness. there has been progress. there's been power restored to about 1 million homes. but that still means about 40 percent of the state is in the dark. driving around at night is very hazardous. bottom line , people are taking this day by day and not being too concerned about this overwhelming disaster that's here, trying to take it day by day and slowly trying to figure out ways to recover.

>> ron, you're so right about that moving target that, line between order and chaos in a society. ron allen , great work in the field this week covering this awful story. thanks for being with us.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/rock-center/49652701/

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Thursday 1 November 2012

Storm washes away much of 'Jersey Shore' town

SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J. (AP) ? The waterfront rides on Casino Pier are gone, swallowed by the sea. A roller coaster bobs lazily in the waves. Sand, leaves and debris choke roads lined with houses that rest on their sides.

The barrier island home to Seaside Heights and other communities where legions of vacationers from New Jersey and beyond made summer memories is a scene of devastation days after superstorm Sandy's surge enveloped it.

Seaside Heights, where families have walked the boardwalk, eaten fried dough and ridden amusement park rides for generations, is in ruins. The boardwalk made famous by MTV's hit reality show "Jersey Shore" has been destroyed, with parts of it sticking straight up. Sand pushed up from the beach fills the road parallel to it.

The rides at Casino Pier, a waterfront amusement park, vanished under the Atlantic Ocean's power. A roller coaster from the Funtown Pier sat in the ocean. Roofs were ripped off houses, and utility poles were snapped in two, with their power lines tangled like shoelaces.

The house where the "Jersey Shore" cast lived appeared to avoid any damage. But elsewhere on the island ? technically a long, narrow peninsula ? boats had been tossed like toys, resting atop houses and cars. One lay next to a motel.

About 300 people have been taken off the island since the storm passed, public safety officials said. About 70 remain and will be ordered to leave and not allowed to return to the island until at least the weekend.

"We have to get everyone off the island because there is total devastation," Seaside Heights Police Chief Thomas Boyd said Wednesday at a news conference.

In Ortley Beach, a section of the community of Toms River, sinkholes swallowed roads, roofs caved in and homes lay on their sides, separated from passable roads by pools of water.

One sinkhole had swallowed a red truck whose bed stuck up at a 45-degree angle, two tires resting on the road. A house was washed into the middle of Route 35, the main road through the island.

Messner and his daughter rode out the storm at their home in Ortley Beach. They and their dog walked over a bridge Wednesday, carrying a few bags. A friend greeted them on the other side.

They had planned to evacuate, but it took longer than they expected to board up their house, and they thought the bridge was closed.

"It was like being at ground zero ? the wind, the rain," Messner said. "At one point a patrolman told us the dunes breached, and within minutes we had 10 feet of water in front of our house," he said.

In Brick Township, on the northern edge of the island, fire or water destroyed more than 50 homes, officials said. As many as 27 natural gas fires burned there Wednesday afternoon, Police Chief Neils R. Bergquist said.

There hasn't been looting in Seaside Heights, but a group of people who stayed on the island during the storm broke into a deli because they had no other food, Boyd said.

"Sandy destroyed Seaside ? our second home," said "Jersey Shore" cast member Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi in a statement to MTV News. "It's devastating to see our boardwalk and favorite spots ruined. My prayers go out to everyone affected by the storm."

Messner said a telephone pole and tree nearly landed on his house. He and his daughter rode out the storm on the second floor and, somehow, their house sustained little water damage.

He was shocked by what he saw walking to the bridge and over.

"You can't even imagine," he said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/storm-washes-away-much-jersey-shore-town-065743326.html

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Video: Obama returns to the trail

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49650256/

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Quality Oriented Web Development Services

Miscellaneous Written by Anonymous ??Tuesday, 30 October 2012 05:47 The websites can be described as the online representations of the companies. They offer a means for the online audience to interact with the business. The process of web design and development is given great importance. Many firms offer quality web development services that are in high demand withthe online businesses. The firms are proficient in planning and constructing websites for small companies to large corporate clients. They also have the essential technical knowledge to design and develop reliable websites for various ecommerce sites. The web development firms keep themselves updated about current web development technologies and software platforms so that they can offer efficient services to their clients.

The process of web development is quite extensive and includes several related aspects like coding, server side and client side scripting, web design, networking, security configuration, and testing to mention a few. When choosing a web development firm, it is important to consider the field experience of the firm. A firm with considerable experience in web development is familiar with a wide range of business and industries and so can develop suitable web solutions that can benefit the nature of business of the client. Such a custom designed website can help the business draw the attention of the target audience, and thus stay ahead of the competition.

Ireland is reputed among online businesses worldwide for their quality web design and development solutions. The web design Ireland firms lay emphasis on the visual details of the web applications. They employ qualified and experienced web designers who can handle different types of web designing projects. The designers also give attention to the proper layout and organization of the web pages so that the users can easily navigate through the website. They also make sure that the themes, background colors and designs are relevant to the nature of business. The fonts are also carefully selected so that the users can easily read the content.

The logo of a company is very important for the identification of the business and enables it to stand apart from the competition. The professional company logo design services provided by the firms are very useful in creating a unique and innovative identity for the company. These companies make use of the suitable font, text style, and format, and colors to create and plan impressive company logos that reflect the business in an improved manner. Well-designed company logos are memorable and thus, the company logos serve as an effective marketing strategy.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at http://www.themarketingpod.ie/ to know more about Web Design Ireland, Web Development Services and Company Logo Design.

Article Tags :

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 October 2012 05:47

Source: http://www.workoninternet.com/business/reviews/miscellaneous/219574-article.html

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Sandy forces political pause with 7 days left


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