Friday 26 July 2013

Eastern Ontario Baseball


You can?t judge the Port Hope River Rats bantam team on its win-loss record this Eastern Ontario Baseball Association season.

Instead, the progress the club is making tells a far better story.

Port Hope was 2-18 through 20 EOBA league games, but have won a couple tournament games as well.

There almost was a River Rats entry at the bantam level this summer though. There weren?t enough players to field a team initially so peewee players (as there is no Port Hope team at that level this year) were allowed to try out. The club also recruited some house league, including some from Cobourg, who had never played rep baseball before.

?It?s pretty diverse,? coach Steve Beckett said of his lineup. ?You?ve got some kids playing with kids who are three years older.?

Team members are Owen Bailey, Matt Ward, Tyler Vivian, Dawson Baker, Cameron Enns, John Spotton, Sam Knott, Colyn Swan-Savoy, Keagan Decker, Jakob Brown, Matt Beckett, Brodie Majdell and Cameron Desormeaux.

Port Hope is competing in the EOBA?s major Bantam loop, despite having only a couple of players who fit into that age group. But with those players, the River Rats are unable to drop down to the minor bantam level.

You also have to consider the fact that the River Rats are part of a ?B? centre playing against ?A? and ?AA? opponents.

?It?s been a big challenge,? coach Beckett said, adding it was a ?real challenge to get all the players on the same page, but it?s starting to happen.?

Earlier this month, the River Rats defeated the league-leading Clarington Orioles 17-9.

Then, this past Saturday at Town Park in Port Hope, the River Rats staged a huge comeback before time expired against the visiting third-place Brockville Bunnies.

Port Hope trailed 7-1 in the third inning before rallying, including three runs in their final at-bat, to win 10-9. The River Rats had to win in the bottom of the eighth, rather than the ninth, as they were facing the game being called due to the time limit. A double by John Spotten drove home the winning run.

?It was very rewarding to see them do that,? Beckett said. ?We have great ball players, we just hadn?t seen them pull it together that way as a group.?

Beckett said an early-season activity for the River Rats was a roadside cleanup that consisted of 44 km of roads in Ward 2 Port Hope.

?It was a great bonding experience for the boys,? he remarked.

As for on the field, Beckett believes the pre-game warm-up is key to success and he is pleased to have assistance from Rob Majdell ?who spends a significant amount of time with my players before every game and practice teaching them proper warm-up, throwing and running techniques.?

Having lost pitchers from last year who didn?t return, the River Rats have been required this season to develop a new pitching staff with a collection of players who hadn?t pitched much previously.

Meanwhile, the club has also been offensively challenged, although showed great progress in the wins over Clarington and Brockville.

?Even with the minor defensive errors during these games, the boys have figured out how to keep their heads in the game and apply what they?ve learned and overcome (deficits),? Beckett said.

Beckett said his club is building towards the Ontario Baseball Association bantam ?B? championship tournament Labour Day weekend in Woodstock when they?ll finally face teams of an equal classification.

?Playing in the current EOBA loop has been tough this year, but thankfully I have the support of the parents who understand what we're up against,? Beckett remarked. ?However I believe that if we take what we've learned from these higher calibre teams and apply and execute these principles, we'll be in good shape for the OBA?s.

?We just want to make sure everyone is contributing and enjoying themselves,? the coach added.


Rose Parade 2013

Thursday 25 July 2013

Iran offers India $1 bln sovereign guarantee for oil shipments

NEW DELHI | Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:08pm IST

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Iran has offered to underwrite insurance for its vessels to keep oil exports to India flowing, after New Delhi asked for assurances to help halt a fall in shipments.

Letters seen by Reuters show Iran is offering sovereign guarantees of up to $1 billion per incident to back its ships sailing to India, its second biggest oil customer after China.

India's crude imports from Iran have been hit by insurance problems triggered by western sanctions, falling by 59.4 percent in June, and the state guarantee could keep oil revenues flowing.

In letters seen by Reuters from Iran's industries, mines and trade minister Mehdi Ghazanfari and Oil Minister Rostam Ghasemi told India that liabilities of $50 million to $1 billion are covered by "sovereign guarantee and government special fund".

The two ministers said Iran's finance minister will issue a final letter on the sovereign guarantee in due course.

India abides by United Nations sanctions on Iran but does not follow U.S. and European Union measures which are aimed at choking off funds to a nuclear programme which the West says is a drive to achieve a weapons capability.

With limited options available, India had sought sovereign guarantees for the Kish and Moallem protection and indemnity (P&I) clubs that insure Iranian vessels against personal injury and environment clean up claims.

European Union sanctions on insurance from a year ago bar members of International Group of P&I - who account for the majority of cover for the tanker market - from covering Iranian shipments. U.S. sanctions from July 2013 forced foreign container shipping lines to shun business with Tehran.

New Delhi had given a temporary approval to the two clubs but wanted Iran's backing longer term.

India will take a call on extending long-term approval for the two clubs by end-September.

The biggest potential drawback for vessels insured by Iranian companies, even with a sovereign guarantee, is that they may struggle to pay claims outside Iran because Western sanctions prevent banks from channelling cash out of the country, shipping and insurance officials say.

For liabilities up to $50 million, a consortium of Iranian insurers led by the Central Insurance of Iran (CII) will provide the bulk of the cover, the letters said.

Kish, Moallem and CII have been blacklisted under the U.S. sanctions.

Ghazanfari also said in the letter that a similar guarantee is available for the Qeshm International Trust Alliance P&I Club. This company has not featured so far in the list of insurance clubs approved by India.

(Editing by William Hardy)


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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Being In The Minority Can Cost You And Your Company

The racial wage gap in the United States ? the gap in salary between whites and blacks with similar levels of education and experience ? is shaped by geography, according to new social science research.

The next time you are in an office cafeteria, notice who sits next to whom at lunch.

Jose Pelaez/Corbis

The next time you are in an office cafeteria, notice who sits next to whom at lunch.

Jose Pelaez/Corbis

The larger the city, the larger the racial wage gap, according to researchers Elizabeth Ananat, Shihe Fu and Stephen L. Ross, whose findings were recently published by the National Bureau of Esconomic Research.

"The average racial gap in metropolitan areas of around 1 million people ? and you can think of a place like Tulsa, Okla. ? is about 20 percent smaller than the gap in the nation's largest metro areas of Chicago, L.A. and New York," Ananat says.

Ananat's research suggests that the racial gap is not directly the result of prejudice or, at least, prejudice conventionally defined. Rather, it has to do with patterns of social interactions that are shaped by race ? and a phenomenon that economists call spillovers.

Economists have long noted that multiple companies in an industry often congregate in an area ? think of movie companies in Hollywood or investment bankers on Wall Street ? and observed that these firms become more profitable. Indeed, this may be one reason why an up-and-coming tech company would want to locate in Silicon Valley, rather than in Tennessee, where costs are far cheaper.

But why do companies that congregate become more profitable? It has to do, Ananat says, with the fact that when a number of companies involved in similar work are concentrated in one area, they effectively create an ecosystem where ideas and refinements can spread easily from one company to the next, and increase productivity overall.

"It's stuff in the ether ? you know, these tips that get communicated," Ananat says. "For any given job, it's going to be specific to that job. That's why they are so hard to identify and so valuable. We say, 'Oh, you're not doing that quite right. Do it just this way instead.' "

What does all of this have to do with the racial wage gap? Much of this valuable information that gets transmitted and shared in the ecosystem happens in informal or social settings ? over lunch, or a beer after work, or even at church on Sunday. Those social settings tend to be segregated, with whites tending to spend time with whites and blacks with blacks. (The next time you are in an office cafeteria, notice who sits next to whom at lunch.) In a world where ethnic groups cluster together, those in the minority are less likely to share and benefit from spillover effects in the ecosystem and are therefore less likely to learn early on about important company developments or technological innovations.

"People of the same race are much more likely to have conversations where they share ideas," she says. "The fact is you just talk more about everything with people who you feel more comfortable with than with people you feel less comfortable with. And we know that one of the big predictors of who you feel comfortable with is whether you are of the same ethnicity."

Ananat explains the findings with a hypothetical example: "Say there are 1,000 black engineers in Silicon Valley, compared to 20 in Topeka, and there are 10,000 total engineers in Silicon Valley, compared to 500 in Topeka. Then blacks make up 10 percent of engineers in Silicon Valley, compared to 4 percent in Topeka."

"A black engineer in Silicon Valley has 980 more black engineers to get spillovers from than does a black engineer in Topeka," she writes in an email. "Meanwhile, a white engineer in Silicon Valley has 8,500 more white engineers to benefit from than a white engineer in Topeka. Thus, while both white and black engineers' wages will be higher in Silicon Valley than in Topeka, the white engineer's wages will increase more than the black engineer's do ? in effect, the white engineer is living in a much bigger city (of engineers) than the black engineer is, if only people within one's own race matter for urban spillovers."

Obviously, in the real world, social encounters are not totally segregated and other factors ? including out-and-out prejudice ? could play a role. But what seems to be happening, Ananat says, is that minority groups often miss out on the valuable tips and mentoring that make these ecosystems so productive and profitable. The same thing happens with other ethnic minorities, and even with whites ? when they are in a minority.

Companies that want to take full advantage of spillover effects would do well to find ways to encourage employees to share information, set up mentoring programs and generally encourage employees to connect informally and socially, Ananat says.

Social scientists, she adds, have long talked about the value of "code-switchers" ? people adept at talking across differences and who relate well to those from other groups. Companies with more code-switchers are likely to spread the wealth of spillover effects more equitably.


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Watch the Fiery Crash After Southwest's Landing Gear Collapse

This has not been a great month for commercial airlines?or anything that's supposed to stay in the sky without crashing down amidst flames, really. The most recent mark against flying contraptions occurred yesterday evening at LaGuardia, when the front landing gear of a Boeing 737 collapsed and sent the plane skidding across the runway.




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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Dolphins May Have Individual Names

Click here to listen to this podcast

Many animals use sounds to convey information. [Sound of wolf? howl] Humans use particular vocal labels for objects and for people. We call these words, and names. A few creatures, such as parrots and dolphins, can learn specific vocal labels. And wild dolphins are known to have particular, individual signature whistles. Scientists at Scotland?s St. Andrews University wanted to know: can these whistles be used as labels? The researchers analyzed sounds from dolphins off Scotland?s east coast, and extracted these signature whistles. [Dolphin whistle sound] Then they altered the sounds so the calls wouldn?t sound exactly like the originating dolphin. [Altered dolphin whistle]
They played those sounds back to the dolphins, along with whistles from dolphins familiar to the animals and whistles from strangers. When the dolphins heard their own signature whistle [Altered dolphin whistle] they routinely responded with that same sound. [Dolphin whistle sound] That reaction only happened twice when they heard sounds from their pals and not at all when they heard the alien dolphin. The research is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Stephanie L. King and Vincent M. Janik, Bottlenose dolphins can use learned vocal labels to address each other] The researchers think dolphin signature whistles serve as self-identification, and maybe even as a label for addressing each other?just like a name. ?Cynthia Graber [The above text is a transcript of this podcast.] [Dolphin sounds courtesy of Stephanie L. King and Vincent M. Janik, Saint Andrews University] Follow Scientific American on Twitter @SciAm and @SciamBlogs. Visit for the latest in science, health and technology news.
? 2013 All rights reserved.


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Stocks Open Quietly Lower; McDonald's, Yahoo ... -

Stocks got off to a quiet start, trading mixed early Monday, as earnings reports and company news were the main attractions.

The Nasdaq shed mild losses and edged a fraction into positive territory. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average remained down 0.1% each.

Volume was also tightly mixed in the stock market today, up 1% on the Nasdaq and 10% lower on the NYSE, compared to action at the same time Friday.

Existing home sales slowed in June to an annualized rate of 5.08 million homes, the National Association of Realtors reported. That was below a downwardly revised pace of 5.14 million for May, and weaker than expectations for 5.27 million. Home prices increased for a seventh straight month. But inventory also rose almost 2% to 2.19 million homes, a five month supply.

In stocks, some of the morning's biggest earnings reports spurred only modest moves. Halliburton (HAL) and Corning (GLW), for example, each dipped a fraction after delivering quarterly results.

McDonald's (MCD) slumped 3% in opening trade after reporting softer than expected quarterly results.

Yahoo (YHOO) dropped 4% out of the starting gate. The search engine operator announced Monday that three company directors nominated by hedge fund Third Point will resign July 31, and Yahoo will repurchase 40 million shares of stock owned by Third Point ? reportedly about two-thirds of the fund's Yahoo stake. The sale, at 29.11 per share, is valued at about $1.2 billion.

Yahoo is still a fraction above a 27.78 buy point in a nine-week base.

Leading stocks opened trading primarily in a narrow range. The biggest early gain on the IBD 50 list came from three-dimensional printer maker Stratasys (SSYS), up 2% in strong volume. The stock is trying to retake a 95 buy point after briefly clearing that mark last week. The base is a risky late-stage structure.

Some of the earnings reports due after the close include Netflix (NFLX), Texas Instruments (TXN), Volterra Semiconductor (VLTR) and Zions Bancorp (ZION).


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6 current players, including 2 from NAU, join NCAA lawsuit

Staff Phoenix Business Journal

ESPN is reporting two Arizona Wildcats, along with six current college football players from major programs, have joined a federal antitrust lawsuit against the NCAA, raising the stakes in a court battle that challenges the economic model of big-time college sports.


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Monday 22 July 2013

FOOTBALL: ACC commissioner welcomes Syracuse, Pittsburgh to league

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on Detroit: 'Enough was enough'?


12 hours ago

Seven governors came and went during the decades-long decay of Michigan's largest city that culminated with a humiliating collapse into financial ruin.

It's the eighth, former business executive and relative political novice Rick Snyder, who is aggressively tying his legacy to the prospects of a Detroit turnaround.

When he took office, Snyder pushed for more powers for the state to intervene in distressed cities and schools. After voters repealed the law last November, he ignored critics and signed another one. He also hired the city's turnaround specialist and, nearly four months later, blessed the request to file for bankruptcy.

For the man with the "one tough nerd" moniker, it's the latest bold decision in a 2 ?-year stretch that's remarkable for the sheer breadth and pace at which Snyder has moved. He's again in the national spotlight just a half-year after making Michigan ? the bastion of the auto industry and organized labor ? a right-to-work state, a move that pollsters say led to a drop in his approval ratings.

Though the impact of the bankruptcy filing on Snyder's 2014 re-election may be difficult to predict, it's still a legacy definer that's being watched not only in Michigan but also by Wall Street and other elected officials across the country.

Snyder, a former venture capitalist and computer company CEO, has no known presidential aspirations.

"I don't spend time dwelling on my legacy. I just try to do my job well," the Republican governor told The Associated Press in an interview. "That's relentless positive action. No blame, no credit. Just simply solve the problem.

"Here was a problem 60 years in the making. The can was being kicked down the road for far too long. It was time to say enough was enough. Let's stop, let's stabilize, let's grow."

Detroit's bankruptcy could last at least through summer or fall 2014, when Snyder is expected to ask voters for another term.

"I deeply respect the citizens of Detroit," Snyder said. "They along with the other 9 million people in our state hired me to do this job. They're my customers. This was a tough step, a difficult decision, but it's the right decision."

The first-term governor, perhaps more than any other state's chief executive, hasn't been afraid to confront mounting retiree pension and health care costs hampering state and city budgets. He's done that mainly by signing laws making public workers pay more of their health costs, ending retiree health care for new hires and enticing teachers to contribute more toward their future pensions.

But the stakes could be higher with the Detroit intervention under Michigan's emergency manager law.

Eric Scorsone, a Michigan State University economist and expert on government finances, said while Snyder helped revise the law to make it one of the toughest in the country, bankruptcy likely was inevitable even under the old law ? unless creditors had voluntarily agreed to accept far less than what they're owed.

"Other governors may have taken different approaches. But even under the old law, if we had a different governor, it's pretty obvious something would have had to be done," he said.

Scorsone said many other U.S. cities have issues similar to Detroit, though not on the same scale. Other states will be watching to see what happens in part because Snyder ? not local elected officials ? is taking responsibility for improving public safety and other basic needs, he said.

"I think it's aggressive in the sense that most states don't intervene in local affairs to the same extent," Scorsone said.

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, a Democrat who lost to Snyder in the 2010 election, said Snyder "definitely" deserves credit if Detroit emerges in better shape, especially in providing everyday services.

"It's bold and decisive. You've got to give him credit, however late," Bernero said, adding that Snyder should have intervened in Detroit within three months of taking office in 2011.

"There was a sense of inevitability about this bankruptcy," Bernero said. "I would have moved quicker with an emergency manager. The ship couldn't right itself. Why prolong the agony? Lance the boil and move on."

On Meet the Press Sunday, former Gov. Jennifer Granholm noted the connection between Detroit the city and Detroit, the heart of the U.S. auto industry.

?The city of Detroit is the poster child for the desindustrialization of America,? Granholm said. ?Since 1950, which was the heyday of Detroit?s burgeoning auto industry, there were almost 300,000 automotive or manufacturing jobs in the city. Today, it?s 27,000. Ninety percent decline in good paying manufacturing jobs.?

Snyder first struck a consent agreement in April 2012 with the Democratic-led city to wipe out its enormous budget deficit and mountainous debt but appointed Kevyn Orr as emergency manager after that didn't work.

Steven Rattner, who was chief adviser to President Barack Obama's auto bailout task force, said from his detached vantage point in New York, Snyder "has handled this thing quite well."

While acknowledging the political difficulties associated with anything viewed as a bailout, Rattner questioned why the state and possibly the federal government aren't offering Detroit a rescue package.

"It's not logical for there to be political fallout from putting Detroit in bankruptcy because there's no other alternative to that," Rattner said. "The question people can ask is whether Snyder is offering all the help the state of Michigan can offer. ... These are tough politics either way."

There seems little appetite from either Democrats or Republicans in Washington for a federal rescue of Detroit. Bailing out the city with state money could bring resistance in the Republican-led Legislature and prompt anger from out-state residents concerned about funding their own schools and local services.

"There are so many great things going on in Detroit. We resolve the city government issue, Detroit's really well poised to see outstanding growth take place when people can say there are better services," Snyder said. "We're going to get there."

Associated Press writer Ed White in Detroit contributed to this report.

? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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Sunday 21 July 2013

A bad alliance: Rare immune cells promote food-induced allergic inflammation in the esophagus

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Until recently, how EoE, a food allergy-associated disease, developed was unclear, but a new study shows that a type of rare immune cell and specific reactions to allergenic foods team up -- in a bad way. This association does point to new ways to possibly treat inflammation associated with EoE.


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Matchday: Portland Timbers clash with Philadelphia Union at PPL Park

The Portland Timbers hit the road for an Eastern Conference match agains the Philadelphia Union at PPL Park at 4:30pm PT.

The game is broadcast on ROOT SPORTS with Christian Miles and Robbie Earle on the call. Fletcher Johnson and Adin Brown will do radio on?750 AM The Game?while Spanish language broadcast can be found on La Pantera 940.?

The Timbers will be wearing their Rose City Red?kits for the match.

Timbers Viewing Party - Timbers Neighborhood Watch

Help support our 2013 Timbers Pub Partners by visiting your neighborhood pub on Saturday, July 20 for the Portland Timbers vs. Philadelphia Union match at 4:30 p.m. during "Timbers Neighborhood Watch".?We encourage Timbers supporters to visit official Timbers pubs in their neighborhood that guarantee Timbers viewing parties all season long.?Most Timbers pubs have unique specials and giveaways during all Timbers matches!


Rose City Rewards Points

Eligible season ticket holders for this weekend?s viewing parties can gain 15 Rose City Rewards points by emailing a photo of themselves located at an Official Timbers Pub to their ticket services rep. Photo?s must be submitted before Tuesday, July 23 at 10:00 a.m.


2013 Timbers Pub Partners:

The Station ? 2703 NE Alberta St. Portland
Bazi Bierbrasserie ? 1522 SE 32nd Ave. Portland
The BeerMongers ? 1125 SE Division St. Portland
Brickhouse Bar & Grill - 109 W 15th St Vancouver, WA
Dublin Down Irish Pub ? 813 Main St Vancouver, WA
Highland Stillhouse ? 201 S. 2nd St. Oregon City, OR
Irishtown Bar & Grill ? 11600 SE Mill Plain Blvd. Vancouver, WA
Kells ? 112 SW 2nd Ave. Portland
Kick City Sports Pub ? 1650 28th St Springfield, OR
Macadam?s Bar & Grill ? 5833 SW Macadam Ave Portland, OR
Mad Greek Deli ? 1740 E. Burnside, Portland
Marathon Taverna ? 1735 W Burnside St. Portland
McGillacuddy?s Sports Bar & Grill ? 11133 NE Halsey St. Portland
NEPO 42 ? 5403 NE 42nd Ave. Portland
On Deck Sports Bar & Grill ? 910 NW 14th Ave. Portland
Paddy?s Bar & Grill ? 65 SW Yamhill St. Portland
Prost! ? 4237 N Mississippi Ave. Portland
Ringlers ? 1332 W Burnside St. Portland
Rose and Thistle Public House ? 2314 NE Broadway St. Portland
Rock Bottom Brewery ? 206 SW Morrison St Portland, OR
Shirley?s Tippy Canoe Bar & Grill ? 28242 E Historic Columbia River Hwy Troutdale, OR
Side Street Tavern ? 828 SE 34th Ave Portland
The Station - 2703 NE Alberta St. Portland
Tanker Bar ? 4825 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland
Thatchers ? 7906 SE Stark St. Portland
Thirsty Lion ? 71 SW 2nd Ave. Portland
Upper Deck Sports Pub ? 175 Southwest Twin Oaks Circle?Corvallis, OR

View interactive map of all Timbers pub locations?here.


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World Bank to fund renewables, energy efficiency, in ... - Nuclear News

[unable to retrieve full-text content]... the financial, operational, and institutional environment for the energy sector in countries to help stimulate private sector investment, while consulting with affected communities and civil society organization and industry.


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Saturday 20 July 2013

Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 vs Nexus 10 (Video)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Friday, July 19, 2013
Samsung , like with its smartphones, has successfully saturated the tablet market with various models and brands that cover a wide array of sizes, specifications, price points, and unique features. The latest of those tablets is the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 . Oddly enough, the Tab 3 10.1 is strikingly similar to the Tab 2 10.1, on paper. The only major difference is the use of an Intel Atom processor and an ever-so-slightly smaller battery. The 16GB model retails ... Continue reading ? The post Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 vs Nexus 10 (Video) appeared first on Pocketnow . ...


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NASA terminates spacewalk following leak into astronaut's helmet

NASA aborted the walk about an hour into what was supposed to be a six-hour mission outside the International Space Station.

By Elizabeth Barber,?Contributor / July 16, 2013

In this image from a NASA video, astronauts discuss the aborted spacewalk aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday. A dangerous water leak in the helmet of Luca Parmitano (bottom center, facing the camera, in a white suit) drenched his eyes, nose and mouth, preventing him from hearing or speaking as what should have been a routine spacewalk came to an abrupt end.



A spacewalk outside the International Space Station was canceled on Tuesday, after more than a quart of ?funny-tasting? water leaked into an astronaut?s helmet.?

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The cause of the dangerous leak is still under investigation, NASA officials said at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.

The spacewalk began ahead of schedule at 7:57 EDT Tuesday morning and began to go awry when Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano reported that his carbon dioxide sensor was malfunctioning. He then reported a water bubble burgeoning behind his head. His teammate, U.S. astronaut Chris Cassidy, assessed the situation and told mission control that between 1 and 1? liters of water had begun to accumulate.

Since water in space forms globs, Parmitano could not hear, speak, or see as the water seeped into his helmet, NASA officials said.

NASA aborted the walk an hour and 32 minutes into the mission, and the pair re-boarded the ISS at 9:29 a.m. The trip outside had been scheduled to last 6 hours and 15 minutes.

?We have not seen a problem like this before,? said Karina Eversley, a NASA spacewalk officer, at the conference, adding that drowning or choking was a real possibility had the mission not been quickly terminated. ?This was a very serious issue.?

She also said that Parmitano is in good condition: ?Luca is doing great. He?s smiling and happy.?

The scheduled spacewalk was the second of two for the astronaut pair. They spent 6 hours and 7 minutes outside last week to make repairs on the station and to prepare it to dock with a Russian module. The astronauts had planned to finish the remaining work on today?s walk.?

Parmitano was wearing the same spacesuit Tuesday that he wore during the previous walk, which went as planned.

NASA officials said that they had ruled out the 32-ounce drinking water bag as the source of the leak, but said that they are still investigating other causes. Another possible source is the spacesuit?s cooling system, which holds a gallon of water. To prevent bacteria buildup, that water is tinged with iodine, which could explain the ?funny? water taste that Parmitano reported, NASA officials said.

The carbon dioxide sensor?s malfunction is likely related to the water leakage, they added.

Spacewalks, which are a difficult and high-risk process, have at times been troubled. In 2004, a walk outside the ISS was aborted after 14 minutes, when an oxygen tank on an astronaut?s Russian-made spacesuit failed. Since the spacesuit had a backup air supply, the astronaut, NASA?s Mike Fincke, was not in danger.

Still, most spacewalks are uneventful. The aborted walk today was the 171st walk performed to maintain the ISS, which has been occupied for almost 13 years.?

NASA officials said that the abbreviated mission would still count for the two astronauts as a spacewalk. That makes Tuesday?s walk Parmitano?s second spacewalk. Last week, he wore a red, white, and green flag affixed to his spacesuit when he became the first Italian astronaut ever to make a spacewalk. This was Cassidy?s sixth spacewalk.

?I will soon depend on this cumbersome suit to survive outside the Station,? wrote Parmitano on his blog, before his first walk.


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Defense of the Ancients 2 for Mac, free multiplayer battle game, released on Steam

Defense of the Ancients 2 for Mac, free multiplayer battle game, released on Steam

Valve has announced the release of Defense of the Ancients 2 for Mac. DOTA2 is the standalone sequel to the hugely popular hugely popular DOTA, which first appeared as a mod for Blizzard's strategy game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. The Mac and Linux versions' release only lags the Window's release by about a week.

DOTA 2 is a real-time strategy game that combines elements of role playing games as well. You assume the control of one of two factions - the Radiant or The Dire - as you choose heroes to go into battle. Heroes - more than 100 of them - have special abilities and can level up as they gain experience.

Players must protect their own "Ancient," a base, as they send computer-controlled minions into battle. DOTA 2 is what's known as a MOBA, or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Each team can have up to five players.

There was some controversy when DOTA2 was announced because the original game was a mod, and some gamers thought the sequel should be free. In fact, the game is free to download and play - Valve makes money by selling items you can use in-game through a built-in store. It's similar to the system employed by another popular MOBA, League of Legends (or, for that matter, Valve's own popular team-based shooter Team Fortress 2).

System requirements call for OS X Lion or later, 4GB RAM, 8GB hard drive space and Nvdia 320M, Radeon 7000, or Intel HD 3000 graphics or better.



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Friday 19 July 2013

Skinny Two-Tone Band in Recycled 950 Palladium and 14k Yellow Gold - Stackable Wedding Ring, Made to Order by mcfarlanddesigns

This is a simple, understated ring with a bit of a twist... made from 950 palladium with a smaller section of 14k yellow gold (spanning 1/8 the circumference of the ring). All of the metal used in the construction of this ring is from recycled sources.

This listing is for one ring - approximately 1.5mm wide and 1.5mm thick, comfort-fit, with a polished finish. I would also be happy to make this ring in a brushed/matte finish for you upon request.

950 palladium is 95% pure palladium (palladium is a noble metal in the platinum family). It is hypoallergenic (nickel free), and boasts a wonderful permanent bright-white color (much whiter than white gold) that does not require rhodium plating.

Please let me know what size you need when you place your order, and allow about three weeks for fabrication of your custom ring.

Due to the value of this piece, shipping costs have been adjusted to include insurance within the United States. I do offer international shipping; if you live outside the US, please contact me for a quote specific to your location. Due to the lack of availability of insurance through the US postal service for international packages, I use FedEx when shipping overseas; this is a more expensive but far safer option. International buyers, please be aware that you are solely responsible for any duties/taxes that your country may charge on imported goods.

As is all my jewelry, this piece is vegan, meaning no animal products (pearls, silk, leather, etc.) were used in its construction.

I accept PayPal, money orders, checks, and credit cards (please call me at 707-633-6340 if you would like to initiate a credit card payment outside of Paypal).


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Judge finalizing deal in Toyota acceleration cases

(AP) ? A California judge said Friday that he's finalizing a settlement worth more than $1 billion in cases where motorists say the value of their Toyota vehicles plunged after recalls over claims they unexpectedly accelerated.

U.S. District Judge James Selna said he was approving the deal that was announced in December and will affect 22 million consumers.

Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed against Toyota since 2009, when the Japanese automaker started receiving numerous complaints that its cars accelerated on their own, causing crashes, injuries and even deaths. More than 14 million vehicles have been recalled since the claims surfaced.

Toyota has denied the allegations, blaming driver error, faulty floor mats and stuck accelerator pedals for the problems.

Steve Berman, an attorney representing Toyota owners, has said the settlement is the largest in U.S. history involving automobile defects, estimated to be in value of up to $1.6 billion. He added that those who sold their vehicles at a loss can receive anywhere from $125 to $10,000 depending on the level of depreciation.

"This is a great settlement for consumers," Berman said. "It includes both safety fixes to make Toyota vehicles safer, as well as monetary relief for owners who saw a reduction in their vehicle's value."

An email message left for Toyota was not immediately returned. The company had previously said it will take a one-time, $1.1 billion pre-tax charge against earnings to cover the estimated costs of the settlement.

The cases were consolidated before Selna in Orange County and divided into two categories: economic loss and wrongful death. Toyota has settled a couple of wrongful death cases, and the first one to go to trial is scheduled to begin in a Los Angeles courtroom next week.

As part of the economic loss settlement, Toyota will offer cash payments from a pool of about $250 million to eligible customers who sold vehicles or turned in leased vehicles between September 2009 and December 2010.

The company will launch a $250 million program for 16 million current owners to provide supplemental warranty coverage for certain vehicle components, and it will retrofit about 3.2 million vehicles with a brake override system, which is designed to ensure a car will stop when the brakes are applied, even if the accelerator pedal is depressed.

The settlement also sets up additional driver education programs and funds new research into advanced safety technologies.

The main contention in the remaining wrongful death cases is whether a design defect ? namely an electronic throttle control system ? was responsible for Toyota vehicles surging unexpectedly.

Both the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and NASA were unable to find any defects in the automaker's source code that could cause problems.

Associated Press


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Watch the Crazy Aftermath of a Drone Crashing Next to a Florida Highway

Watch the Crazy Aftermath of a Drone Crashing Next to a Florida Highway

So remember how traffic was pretty bad in Florida yesterday? You know, because of an unmanned drone unexpectedly spiraling down from the heavens and blowing up next to US 98 Highway by Tyndall Air Base? Well, there's video now?or at least of the aftermath. And they were not kidding about that smoke cloud.



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Thursday 18 July 2013

Using bacteria batteries to make electricity

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Their idea is state of the art: Students have set their sights on constructing a bio-battery. They want to make use of the bacteria Escherichia coli to convert glucose into energy.


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'Weeds' co-executive producer lands comedy pilot at FX

By Tim Kenneally

LOS ANGELES ( - Former "Weeds" co-executive and writer Stephen Falk has landed a comedy pilot, "You're the Worst," with FX Networks.

The pilot, created and written by Falk, is described as a "comedic love story about what happens when two toxic, self-destructive people fall in love despite themselves and attempt the impossible - a relationship.

In addition to "Weeds," Falk's credits include the FX series "Orange Is the New Black," from "Weeds" creator Jenji Kohan, and created the NBC comedy "Next Caller."

"We love the story and characters that Stephen has created," Eric Schrier, president, Original Programming, FX Networks and FX Productions, said of the project. "It's a unique and hilarious script, and we can't wait to see it realized."

"You're the Worst" is being produced by FX Productions.


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Wednesday 17 July 2013

Weight gain early in pregnancy means bigger, fatter babies

[unable to retrieve full-text content]A researcher cautions against too much weight early into pregnancy, which leads to larger, chubbier babies.


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Stocks Sink Ahead Of Bernanke Testimony; Yahoo ... -

Stocks fell in higher volume Tuesday as investors awaited Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke's semi-annual testimony before a congressional panel.

The S&P 500 led the way, falling 0.4%; the Nasdaq lost nearly 0.3% and the Dow Jones industrial average eased 0.2%. Preliminary data showed NYSE and Nasdaq volume rising 8%-9% from Monday.

Bernanke is due to address the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday amid concerns the central bank may start scaling back its economic stimulus program later this year.

Fed policymaker Esther George fanned those fears Tuesday, saying the central bank should begin trimming bond purchases aimed at keeping interest rates low.

In the stock market today, Yahoo (YHOO) was down modestly in after-hours trading following its Q2 earnings report. The stock had lost 2% in heavy volume during the regular session, but it's still getting support at its 50-day line.

United Rentals (URI) was also down in post-session trading following its quarterly earnings report. The stock, which has been battling to overcome resistance at its 50-day line, lost 2% during the day.

Meanwhile, Tesla Motors (TSLA) slumped 14% after Goldman Sachs issued a note suggesting the maker of high-end electric vehicles was overvalued. The stock still held above an early 107.23 buy point from a high tight flag pattern, but it's below the conventional buy point at 115.

On the upside, railroad operator CSX (CSX) was up after hours following its Q2 results. It had risen 1% during the regular session, reclaiming its 50-day line.

Elsewhere, SouFun Holdings (SFUN) broke out of a long consolidation, soaring 19% on the heels of Monday's 7% gain. The company operates a real estate Internet portal in China and shows big earnings and sales growth in recent quarters. In its latest reported quarter, profit jumped 135% from a year ago to 40 cents a share. Sales rose 56% to $91 million.


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Seabourn Earns Luxury Travel Advisor's 2012 Award of Excellence ...

award Seabourn Earns Luxury Travel Advisor?s 2012 Award of Excellence

The upscale travel trade publication Luxury Travel Advisor has named Seabourn the ?Best Cruise Line for Luxury Small Ships? in its prestigious 2012 Awards of Excellence list. We were nominated in the category by the magazine?s advisory board, an invitation-only panel of influential travel advisors who have graced the magazine?s cover. Luxury Travel Advisor?s readership of travel professionals then voted to determine the best in each category, and the winners were announced in the magazine?s July issue.

In announcing Seabourn?s win, the editors cited our ??fiercely loyal clientele? who sail with us frequently, attracted by ??the intimate size of the ships.?? They also praised our newest ships, Seabourn Odyssey, Seabourn Sojourn and Seabourn Quest, which ??have won over this devoted customer base with their much more active pool scene, a much larger spa and a more spacious sun deck.?? According to the review, the best part is ?The very high level of service remains the same.?

The Luxury Travel Advisor award joins an impressive list of honors and accolades Seabourn continues to accrue from trade and consumer publications. The readers of Travel + Leisure recently named Seabourn the ?World?s Best Small Ship Cruise Line? for the fifth consecutive year, and also awarded the line the highest score of any cruise line in a survey of the ?World?s Best Service.? Seabourn has also earned the ?Best Small Ship Cruise Line? rating from the readers of Cond? Nast Traveler for three consecutive years, and has appeared on every edition of the magazine?s prestigious ?Gold List.?

We are honored to receive this recognition. Thank you!

Tags: Luxury Cruise Line, seabourn


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Military investigating possible radiation hazard at Fort Bliss

The military is investigating a potential radiation hazard at a Cold War-era nuclear weapons bunker near El Paso, the El Paso Times has learned.

Army officials are discussing the issue at a 9 a.m. news conference today at Fort Bliss. A press release said the purpose of the news conference was to "make an important announcement about the future of Fort Bliss." Post officials had scheduled a similar news conference for last Friday but canceled it the day before.

Fort Bliss spokesman Maj. Joe Buccino said officials currently believe the risk to the broader community was "fairly negligible," though people who worked in the bunker might have more significant risk. One particular worry would be ingestion of chips of epoxy paint that was used to seal off such bunkers, but might have become loose over the years.

An investigation in recent weeks found levels of alpha and beta radiation in the bunker, but not the more-dangerous gamma radiation, Buccino said.

"We sealed it, we closed it off," he said.

Fort Bliss officials declined to elaborate in advance of this morning's press conference. But information obtained by the El Paso Times indicates the radiation was found inside Building 11507 at Biggs Army Airfield, part of a complex of nine igloo-style bunkers in an area known as "Snake Pit."

The irradiated bunker and other nearby bunkers that were once used to assemble nuclear bomb sections are currently used to store equipment for National Guard units that are preparing for deployment.

The testing was ordered after an Air Force veteran who served at Biggs in the 1950s recently told military officials about an incident involving nuclear weapons waste that was generated during maintenance. He said the bunker floor was painted over to mitigate possible radioactive particles.

Another retiree told a similar story, according to information obtained by the Times.

Recent tests by an Air Force physicist found low levels of alpha and beta particles on the building floor.

The investigation is continuing into the extent of possible radioactive contamination in other bunkers used to store nuclear weapons at Biggs in the 1950s, Buccino said. He said it wasn't yet clear what impact the radiation levels might have on future operations at Fort Bliss, which took over the Biggs land when the Air Force closed the base in 1966.

The Army today will release four phone numbers to be used by people, civilian or military, who worked in the storage bunkers over the years. Military officials are trying to track down the former workers to inform them of the potential risks and also to get a more complete picture of how the bunkers operated over the years.

Rep. Beto O'Rourke, an El Paso Democrat who sits on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, said the focus is on veterans and soldiers who might have been affected by exposure to radiation.

"I am working with Maj. Gen. (Sean) MacFarland and Fort Bliss leadership to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect, inform, and help anyone who might have been affected," O'Rourke said.

Rep. Pete Gallego, an Alpine Democrat who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, urged the public to be calm.

"It is important that we be guided by facts and not fear. The safety and well-being of our servicemen and women is the top priority. Maj. Gen. MacFarland has responded to this situation in a transparent manner that puts the safety of soldiers and civilians first," Gallego said.

Fort Bliss today has more than 32,000 soldiers and 11,000 civilian employees, making it the nation's second-largest military installation after Fort Hood, Texas. When combined with White Sands Missile Range in southern New Mexico, it has 3.3 million acres of training area, about 25 percent of the Army's total training space.

Fort Bliss saw the largest gains of any military post in the 2006 Base Realignment and Closure process, adding almost 20,000 soldiers. Much of that growth was in the old Biggs Air Force Base area east of El Paso International Airport.

Biggs Air Force Base was part of the Strategic Air Command, the Air Force's atomic bomber fleet, from 1948 to 1966. The based housed a variety of nuclear-capable bombers during the Cold War, including B-29s, B-36s, B-47s and B-52s.

In May 1957, a B-36 based at Biggs accidentally dropped a 10-megaton hydrogen bomb - one of the most powerful nuclear weapons ever in the U.S. arsenal - outside of Albuquerque as it was flying to Kirtland Air Force Base. The 42,000-pound bomb's fissile core had been removed as a safety precaution, and only conventional explosives were detonated, according to Air Force records released to the Albuquerque Journal in 1986.

No radiation was detected outside the 12-foot-deep, 25-foot-wide crater left by the blast, and the only casualty was a cow that was grazing nearby when the bomb struck.

El Paso and southern New Mexico played key roles in the development of the nuclear age. The world's first nuclear weapon was exploded at Trinity Site near Alamogordo in July 1945, weeks before atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Wernher von Braun and other captured German rocket scientists were brought to Fort Bliss at the end of World War II, where they did much of the early work that led to the development of U.S. nuclear missile and space exploration capability.

Robert Moore may be reached at; 546-6149. Follow him on Twitter @BobMooreNews

Radiation explained
According to the World Nuclear Association, ionizing radiation that can damage living tissue comes in three different forms -- alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Alpha and beta radiation has been detected in an old nuclear storage bunker at Fort Bliss. Gamma radiation has not been detected. Here's a description of those radiation forms from the WNA:

  • Alpha particles: These are helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons and are emitted from naturally occurring heavy elements such as uranium and radium, as well as from some man-made transuranic elements. They are intensely ionizing but cannot penetrate the skin, so are dangerous only if emitted inside the body.
  • Beta particles: These are fast-moving electrons emitted by many radioactive elements. They are more penetrating than alpha particles, but easily shielded - they can be stopped by a few millimeters of wood or aluminum. They can penetrate a little way into human flesh but are generally less dangerous to people than gamma radiation. Exposure produces an effect like sunburn, but is slower to heal. Beta-radioactive substances are also safe if kept in appropriate sealed containers.
  • Gamma rays: These are high-energy beams much the same as X-rays. They are emitted in many radioactive decays and are very penetrating, thus requiring substantial shielding. Gamma rays are the main hazard to people dealing with sealed radioactive materials used, for example, in industrial gauges and radiotherapy machines. Radiation dose badges are worn by workers in exposed situations to detect them and hence monitor exposure.
  • Source:

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    Springpad for iPhone/iPad 4.0.6

    Springpad is a personal assistant which can help you remember things. Whenever you find something interesting, you can save it and access it later on your phone, tablet or the web.

    In addition, Springpad will enhance stored information with useful details and relevant suggestions. For example, when saving a recipe, the app will create a shopping list with the needed ingredients. Or, if you create a list with movies you want to see, Springpad will notify you when they are available on Netflix.


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    What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

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    ? Edit your comments: We fixed an error that prevented you from editing your comments on items
    ? Emails from Springpad: New Email Notifications section (in Settings) allows you to choose which communications you want to receive from Springpad
    ? Plus more fixes including displaying the content of other people's notebooks in the correct order, deleted photos will no longer re-appear, and better error messaging on login screen


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    Distorted GPS signals reveal hurricane wind speeds

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]Researchers have found a way to do something completely different with GPS: Measure and map the wind speeds of hurricanes. The new technique could help meteorologists better predict storm severity, how storms form, and where they might be headed.


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    Tuesday 16 July 2013

    Portland Bicentennial celebration parade held

    BROCTON - The celebration of 200 years continued Sunday afternoon as the parade consisting of floats, fire trucks and classic cars rolled down West Main Street. The crowd clapped for every participant in the parade while children stood along the road waiting for candy to hit the ground.

    The parade started at Lake Avenue and turned onto East Main Street toward the arch. From there the parade continued down toward American Legion John Dill Post 434 and finished by turning into Brocton Central School.

    The parade was comprised of the Brocton American Legion honor guard, World War II veterans, Beta Sigma sorority and two 100-year-old ladies riding in a classic Impala. Senator Cathy Young and Assemblyman Andrew Goodell also took part in the procession as they walked and waved to those watching.

    Article Photos

    OBSERVER photo by Jimmy McCarthy
    Fire trucks lined the streets Sunday as children waited for the throwing of candy.

    "Happy birthday Town of Portland," Senator Young said after the parade. "I am just thrilled to be here. That was a great parade. We have a special community here. It's one that is very unique. And the reason it is unique is not just because of our history and our heritage, but it's because of our people. People who work so hard and help their neighbors, especially in times in need."

    "You've heard me say this: I travel all over the state for my job, and every time I come home, I am very grateful for many reasons. But I am most grateful because I am fortunate enough to represent the best part of Western New York. Congratulations and I will see you in another 200 years," she added.

    Senator Young acknowledged the individuals who turned 100 years old by having the crowd sing happy birthday. One of the 100-year-olds in attendance for the events this weekend was Marguerite Smith.

    Smith said she had lots of fun and enjoyed being a part of the parade very much.

    Fire trucks from different stations honked their horns and put on their sirens. Stations represented included Sinclairville, Gerry, Sheridan, West Dunkirk and Forestville. Numerous classic cars paraded including a '66 Chrysler New Yorker, '66 Mustang GT, and 1950 Chevy 6400.

    Brocton cheerleading, Outlaws cheerleading, and Chadwick Bay Buccaneers Bugle and Drum Corps performed.

    Young spoke of the many volunteers who worked hard and helped make the weekend of events successful. Nearly 100 volunteers spent many hours setting up for the event and making sure it all went smoothly.

    "I want to thank everyone for your community spirit," Young said. "I especially want to thank the countless volunteers the committee people who worked so hard to put this entire year's festivity together. I know that you really rolled up your sleeves and worked very hard."

    Assemblyman Goodell congratulated the community and citizens on 200 years. He noted how the communities of Brocton and Portland are strong and vibrant.

    "We are here to celebrate 200 years of rich, proud, productive history," Goodell said. "The town of Portland and village of Brocton has produced great people. But in my opinion, the best is yet to come. I am looking forward to seeing you in another hundred years as we celebrate the great progress in Portland and Brocton. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this."

    County executive Greg Edwards could not attend, but he did send a proclamation for the Town of Portland to be presented. Town Supervisor Dan Schrantz presented the proclamation.

    "200 years ago on April 9,1813, the town of Portland was founded," the proclamation stated. "From the shores of Lake Erie to the rolling hills, a town was born. Through industry and business, grape farming, storms, fires, politics, and the continued full of life, Portland sprouted to be. Today we recognize the many contributions of Portland and renew our commitment to its founding principles. We are blessed to call Portland our home. The Town of Portland officially embarks on another momentous occasionthe next 200 years."

    Events at the American Legion concluded on Sunday with a performance by Sean Patrick McGraw and the retiring of the colors.

    Comments on this article can be made to


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    David Beckham not keen to coach

    London, July 16 (IANS) Retired soccer champion David Beckham says he is in no mood to either coach any team or even manage it.

    Beckham announced retirement from football in May this year. Even though his fans expected him to take up the role of a coach, he does not wish to do so, reports

    ?Management has never interested me at all, I must admit. In five or 10 years, I might turn around and say ?I actually fancy management?, but I don?t think that?s ever going to happen. I enjoy other stuff more,? said Beckham.

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