Monday 31 October 2011

Parents arrested, lose custody, over $5 snack 'theft'

A pregnant woman and her husband were arrested for allegedly stealing two sandwiches at a supermarket in Honolulu, resulting in their 3-year-old daughter being put into state care for 18 hours, officials said on Saturday.

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The supermarket that called the police was a Safeway in Makiki, a neighborhood in Honolulu. A statement from a company spokesman said Safeway was checking on the incident.

"From our preliminary investigation, it appears we may not have handled this matter in the best possible way. We are taking this situation seriously, and giving it our full attention," Safeway said in a statement on Saturday.

The mother, Nicole Leczcyzynski, 30-weeks pregnant, was feeling faint and noshed on a chicken salad sandwich while shopping at the store on Wednesday, she said in an interview with local television station KHON.

She paid for roughly $50 dollars worth of groceries but forgot about the two sandwiches, valued at $5 each, according to Safeway.

"It was a complete distraction, distracted parent moment," Leczcyzynski told KHON.

The family was stopped by security staff while leaving the store. Leczcyzynski offered to pay for the sandwiches, she said, but the security guard called the police, the couple were arrested, and their daughter was taken into custody by Child Protective Services, a state welfare group.

'They just took her'
"We walked a long way to the grocery store and I was feeling faint, dizzy, like I needed to eat something so we decided to pick up some sandwiches and eat them while we were shopping," she told the local station.

The couple's daughter was returned to her parents 18 hours after she was taken into custody.

"I couldn't believe this was happening because we had forgotten to pay for our sandwich," she said. "We didn't know where our daughter was, we didn't know what the situation was, she didn't have any clothes. They just took her right from the grocery store."

Both Leczcyzynski, and her husband, Marcin, were charged with theft, Honolulu police said. Bail was set at $50 apiece.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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JetBlue passengers stuck on plane for 7 hours

Passengers on a JetBlue flight were stranded for seven hours on a plane grounded at Bradley Airport with no bathrooms and no water, according to passengers on the plane who tweeted during the ordeal and others who contacted NBC Connecticut.

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The passengers left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, just after 10 a.m. EDT, heading for Newark, but the flight was diverted to Bradley, where it had been since 1:30 p.m.

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A paraplegic on the flight had a medical issue, and about seven hours after the plane landed, firefighters took people off the plane on a ladder, one passenger said.

?Still on the plane. We haven't moved. Now EWR closed. Getting ugly in here. People yelling wanting to get off,? Andrew Carter said via Twitter just before 6 p.m.

Carter is a sports writer for the Sun Sentinel newspaper in Florida who was intending to cover the Miami Dolphins football game against the New York Giants at the Meadowlands on Sunday, the Hartford Courant reported. He was one of about 200 people on board, the Courant said.

?We ran out of water,?? he told the Courant via cellphone from the plane. ?The bathrooms are all clogged up and disgusting. ? I?ve heard about these kind of stories.??

JetBlue Flight 1013 from Boston to New York also was grounded for hours and passengers ran out of water, @HedgeyeENERGY tweeted.

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"JetBlue is doing everything possible to ensure our customers affected by today's unusual combination of weather and infrastructure issues are being well cared for," Victoria Lucia of JetBlue said in a statement released Saturday night. "We apologize for the experience."

The JetBlue flights were two of 23 airplanes diverted to Bradley Airport Saturday, according to Gov. Dannel Malloy. The state was trying to move 1,000 cots to the airport late Saturday to help make stranded passengers comfortable, Malloy said.

It was unclear why the passengers were made to stay on the planes for hours before finally being let off.

? 2011 Reprints


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Sunday 30 October 2011

Peter Jackson working on Echols pardon

Director Peter Jackson said Friday that he was working with a high-profile former American death row inmate in hopes of getting the man a complete pardon.

Jackson, best known for his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, said he received an exemption to New Zealand law to allow Damien Echols to visit him. Echols was part of a group known as the West Memphis Three who were convicted of killing three boys in Arkansas in 1993. He and the other two men were released in August after pleading guilty to lesser charges and insist they are innocent.

At a news conference Friday in which Jackson stood alongside New Zealand Prime Minister John Key at the North Island set where Jackson is filming a two-part version of "The Hobbit," the director said he'd gone through the same process open to everyone in applying for an exemption to immigration laws.

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"There are all sorts of emotive headlines about Damien Echols, killer, coming to New Zealand, but the reality is that Damien Echols is an innocent man who has spent 18 years incarcerated in a tiny cell," Jackson said.

The director told reporters that he and partner Fran Walsh had worked for seven or eight years to try and help free Echols.

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"He's come here to work with us on a couple of things," Jackson said. "We're doing investigative work, we're doing forensic work ... with the purpose of getting a complete pardon."

Jackson clarified that Echols was not taking part in work on "The Hobbit."

Echols is one of the highest-profile death row inmates to be released in the U.S. Three HBO documentaries about his case brought national attention and sparked the involvement of several celebrities, including Pearl Jam front man Eddie Vedder.

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Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley ? who were teenagers at the time ? were convicted of killing three 8-year-old boys who were found naked and tied in a drainage ditch in the Arkansas town of West Memphis. The case hinged on the testimony of witnesses who said they'd heard the teens talk about the killings.

Echols was the only one sentenced to death.

In 2007, lawyers representing Echols claimed that new DNA tests taken from the crime scene didn't match any of the men. In August, the men agreed to plead guilty to lesser charges and were released immediately for time served ? all the while publicly maintaining their innocence.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Ala. immigration battle recalls civil rights past (AP)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. ? The epicenter of the fight over the nation's patchwork of immigration laws is not Arizona, which shares a border with Mexico and became a common site for boycotts. Nor was it any of the four states that were next to pass their own crackdowns.

No, the case that's likely to be the first sorted out by the U.S. Supreme Court comes from this Deep South state, where the nation's strictest immigration law has resurrected ugly images from Alabama's days as the nation's battleground for civil rights a half-century ago.

And Alabama's jump to the forefront says as much about the country's evolving demographics as it does the nation's collective memory of the state's sometimes violent path to desegregation.

With the failure of Congress in recent years to pass comprehensive federal immigration legislation, Arizona, Georgia, Utah, South Carolina and Indiana have passed their own. But supporters and opponents alike agree none contained provisions as strict as those passed in Alabama, among them one that required schools to check students' immigration status. That provision, which has been temporarily blocked, would allow the Supreme Court to reconsider a decision that said a K-12 education must be provided to illegal immigrants.

Its stature as the strictest in the nation, along with the inevitable comparisons of today's Hispanics with African-Americans of the 1950s and `60s, makes it a near certainty the law will be a test case for the high court.

"It really offers the Supreme Court a broad canvas to reshape what being an immigrant in the United States means," said Foster Maer, an attorney with LatinoJustice in New York, which is challenging the law.

Alabama was well-suited to be the nation's civil rights battleground because of its harsh segregation laws, large black population, and the presence of a charismatic young minister named Martin Luther King Jr., who led a boycott of segregated buses in 1955.

Opponents say the new law's schools provision conjures images of Gov. George Wallace's stand in the schoolhouse door to block integration.

"Today we have a different stand in the schoolhouse door. We have efforts to intimidate children who have a constitutional right to go to school," said Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Although no solid numbers exist, schools have reported fewer Hispanic students attending school, with some saying as much as 10 percent of their Hispanic students have withdrawn since the law took effect a month ago.

Illegal immigrants interviewed by The Associated Press have said their children were bullied and told to go back to Mexico, while others have described their intense fears of arrest and deportation.

The lawyer leading the state's defense, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange, faults President Barack Obama's Justice Department for stirring the civil rights comparisons by falsely predicting the law would lead to the kind of widespread discrimination and profiling that marked Alabama's past.

"The idea they seem to have is there's a Bull Connor on every corner here in Alabama, which is so widely out of touch with our state," he said, referring to the public safety commissioner who unleashed police dogs and fire hoses on civil rights marchers in Birmingham in the 1960s.

At first glance, Alabama seems ill-suited to be the nation's immigration battleground. It's not a border state and is home to fewer illegal immigrants than several other Southern states.

"Why are we getting all the publicity? I think it has to do with Alabama's past and the perception that people have of Alabama over the years that don't live in our state and really don't recognize the amount of progress we've made in Alabama over the last 50 to 60 years," said Republican Gov. Robert Bentley, who advocated the law and signed it into effect.

Alabama's law, pushed through by a new Republican super-majority in the Legislature, is being challenged in federal court by the Justice Department, about 30 civil rights organizations and some prominent church leaders. Judges have blocked some provisions, but sections still stand that allow police to check a person's immigration status during traffic stops and make it a felony for illegal immigrants to conduct basic state business, like getting a driver's license.

State Rep. Alvin Holmes, the senior black member of the Legislature, said Republicans can't undo the voting rights gains of Democrat-leaning blacks, so they are going after brown-skinned people in hopes they won't gain a voting foothold. "They feel if these Hispanics come in and get registered to vote, they will team up with black voters to take over Alabama politics," he said.

Proponents say the law had nothing to with race. They say it was the result of frustration with the federal government's inaction and an effort to open up jobs for the nearly 10 percent of legal state residents out of work.

"There are people who try to make racism a cottage industry and profit off it, but I would put the harmony in Alabama up against any place in the country," said Republican Sen. Scott Beason, one of the law's sponsors.

Beason, the powerful chairman of the state Senate's Rules Committee, has prompted some of the comparisons with the civil rights era by telling one group that the Legislature needed to "empty the clip" on the immigration issue. And in tapes played during the federal trial of several lawmakers and lobbyists accused of buying and selling votes on gambling legislation, he referred to customers of a dog track in a predominantly black county as "aborigines."

Opponents of the law have fueled the comparisons by holding rallies at historic civil rights sites and drawing support from civil rights organizations.

No one in the Alabama Legislature was talking about immigration laws a decade ago because the Hispanic population was so small. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates the number of illegal immigrants in Alabama has grown from 25,000 in 2000 to 120,000 in 2010 ? a nearly fivefold increase ? though it's only a fraction of the 11 million or so estimated in the country.

That rapid rise drew complaints from residents who blamed Hispanics for knocking them out of jobs by working for cheaper wages and no benefits.

"They were coming in here like thieves in the night and taking our jobs and tax revenue," said Republican Rep. Micky Hammon, who also sponsored the new law.

To be sure, construction businesses and farms say Hispanic workers they have relied upon have fled the state. So far, they haven't been able to find legal residents willing to take on what is usually backbreaking work.

The governor said lawmakers in other states are eyeing Alabama's law as a blueprint for their own, but some fear that notoriety could come at a steep price: The state's image as an international automotive hub.

In 1993, a few months after state officials quit flying the Confederate battle flag on the Capitol dome, Mercedes selected Alabama for an assembly plant. Then came Honda, Toyota and Hyundai, and many auto suppliers.

The CEO of the state pension system, David Bronner, helped recruit those plants and now fears Alabama has hurt its ability to recruit.

"You are giving the image, whether it's valid or not, that you don't like foreigners, period," he said, adding that state leaders frequently seize on bad publicity to knock other states out of competition for new jobs.

That bad publicity has made its way to Hillsboro, Wis., where information technology businessman Charles Manser and 11 of his buddies have canceled a 10-day golfing vacation to Alabama.

Manser said one friend was born in Puerto Rico and another is a British citizen. They were concerned about being hassled over their legal status.

"Whether it's legitimate or not, that's the message seen by people who might come to Alabama," he said.


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Saturday 29 October 2011

The Legal Ramifications Of Drinking And Flying - This Just In ...

Have you ever been on a plane next to someone who seems a little wobbly? Maybe they smell a bit of rum and coke. Or are slurring. Maybe they start to act up a little, start demanding more drinks, or harassing the crewmembers and other passengers.

It's one thing to have a drink before your flight, or to have some wine with dinner onboard. But, if you're wondering what the consequences are for being completely intoxicated on a flight, they can be pretty severe.

Earlier this month, an American Airlines flight from New York to Los Angeles was diverted to Denver after a drunken passenger struck a flight attendant in the face, the Associated Press reported. Flight attendants had to restrain and sit on him until the flight landed, upon which he was arrested and charged with interfering with flight crew.

First off, a passenger who already appears intoxicated at the gate shouldn?t be allowed to board, according to federal regulations.

Air carriers have federally-required protocol for dealing with disturbances involving the service of alcoholic beverages onboard, the removal of a passenger who appears to be intoxicated, and how to handle passengers who have brought their own alcoholic beverages onboard (I personally witnessed this last one myself, when an elderly woman on an international flight I was on tried to crack open her Duty Free vodka bottle).

If a passenger doesn't comply with federal regulations and interferes with a crewmember, it can be considered a criminal violation, resulting in arrest.

In August, the U.S. Ski Team dismissed an 18-year-old member of its development squad after he was accused of getting drunk and then urinating on a fellow passenger aboard a JetBlue flight to New York, according to a story in USA Today. Criminal charges were later dropped.

While these are some of the more extreme cases, surely many readers have been in a situation that could have veered towards the uncomfortable and even dangerous had a passenger's drinking habits escalated during the flight.

Have any drunken passenger horror stories you care to share? Indulge (but perhaps don't over overindulge) us in the comment section below.

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The Latest From Betaworks: Findings. A New Way To Share Book Passages And Web Marginalia

findingsReading, which began as a solitary activity, is increasingly becoming a social experience. We share links constantly on Twitter and Facebook to the latest blog posts and articles we are reading, and electronic books such as Amazon's Kindle allow you to share your highlights and notes with the world. A few days ago, betaworks soft-launched a new product called Findings, which is aimed at sharing passages from digital books and the web. Findings is a pet project of Betaworks CEO John Borthwick and author Steven Johnson. The service lets you share your highlights from Kindle books as well as articles on the web via a bookmarklet. But it is not intended to be a web clipping service. It is really more about reading in the digital age, sharing quotations from books and other writings that resonate with you and making them your own by collecting them into a feed. In many ways it harkens back to an earlier form of reading hundreds of years ago when Englishmen would hand-assemble their own collections of quotations into a "commonplace book."


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Friday 28 October 2011

WATCH: Beyonce Throws Trailer-Park "Party" in New Video

Beyonce sure knows how to throw a party, even if it's in a trailer park. The pregnant pop star has released the music video for her single "Party" -- which, for the information of all those Beyonce-is-faking-her-pregnancy conspiracy theorists, was filmed before Mrs. Jay-Z's baby bump started to show. Below, watch the video, which suggests that even in these hard economic times there's fun to be had in trailer parks.


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Court rules Huffington Post lawsuit to go to trial (Reuters)

NEW YORK ( ? Did Arianna Huffington and Ken Lerer steal the idea for the Huffington Post?

Though Huffington has deemed the allegation "ridiculous," a judge thinks that a lawsuit making that claim is serious enough to go to trial, per a ruling in a New York court Wednesday.

Peter Daou and James Boyce, two former political advisers, filed suit against the HuffPost co-founders last November claiming that they took their idea for a liberal-leaning news site. Since then, Huffington and Lerer have tried to have the case thrown out, but to no avail.

The judge ruled Wednesday that the case would go to trial.

Daou and Boyce were involved in the early discussions about the now-sprawling media empire, but just how involved they were is unclear.

The Huffington Post launched in May 2005, meaning it has now been more than six years since the founding and even more since the discussions took place.

The timing on this may seem odd to some -- the site has been successful for some time -- but the judge thinks this case deserves a trial.

Given how many people are targeting the HuffPost, that may not be a good thing.

This was first reported by PaidContent.


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Thursday 27 October 2011

'Evil' inmate who killed SD guard: I'd kill again

Mark Kadi represents Eric Robert during the hearing at Minnehaha County Courthouse, in Sioux Falls, S.D., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Robert pleaded guilty in September to killing 63-year-old penitentiary guard Ronald Johnson by bashing him with a pipe, covering his mouth with plastic wrap and wearing the dead man's uniform in the failed escape attempt. (AP Photo/Argus Leader, Emily Spartz)

Mark Kadi represents Eric Robert during the hearing at Minnehaha County Courthouse, in Sioux Falls, S.D., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Robert pleaded guilty in September to killing 63-year-old penitentiary guard Ronald Johnson by bashing him with a pipe, covering his mouth with plastic wrap and wearing the dead man's uniform in the failed escape attempt. (AP Photo/Argus Leader, Emily Spartz)

Judge Bradley Zell presides over Eric Robert's hearing at Minnehaha County Courthouse, in Sioux Falls, S.D., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Robert pleaded guilty in September to killing 63-year-old penitentiary guard Ronald Johnson by bashing him with a pipe, covering his mouth with plastic wrap and wearing the dead man's uniform in the failed escape attempt. (AP Photo/Argus Leader, Emily Spartz)

Assistant Attorney General Doug Barnett listens during a hearing for Eric Robert at Minnehaha County Courthouse, in Sioux Falls, S.D., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Robert pleaded guilty in September to killing 63-year-old penitentiary guard Ronald Johnson by bashing him with a pipe, covering his mouth with plastic wrap and wearing the dead man's uniform in the failed escape attempt. (AP Photo/Argus Leader, Emily Spartz)

Assistant Attorney General Doug Barnett, Attorney General Marty Jackley, Mark Kadi and Eric Robert during the hearing at Minnehaha County Courthouse, in Sioux Falls, S.D., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Robert pleaded guilty in September to killing 63-year-old penitentiary guard Ronald Johnson by bashing him with a pipe, covering his mouth with plastic wrap and wearing the dead man's uniform in the failed escape attempt. (AP Photo/Argus Leader, Emily Spartz)

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) ? A South Dakota inmate who acknowledged killing a state penitentiary guard in a failed escape attempt asked a judge on Wednesday to sentence him to death, saying his one regret is that he did not kill another officer and that he will kill again.

Eric Robert, 49, pleaded guilty in September to killing Ronald "R.J." Johnson on April 12 ? Johnson's birthday ? in an attempt to sneak past other security. Robert waived his right to a jury trial and said he wanted to be put to death, but Second Circuit Judge Bradley Zell said the state still had to prove the death penalty is warranted. Robert had been serving an 80-year-sentence on a kidnapping conviction when he attempted to escape with Rodney Berget, 49.

Robert told Zell during his pre-sentencing hearing that he was so full of anger and hungry for freedom on April 12 that he would have killed anyone who stood in his way.

"Brad Zell, if you stood between me and the door of freedom, I would kill you," Robert said.

Robert said the one regret he has from April 12 is that he did not bring the pipe with him to the gate to kill the officer who stopped him. Once he realized his plan was going to fail, Robert said he began climbing up the wall of the prison ? not to escape but to try to reach for the rifle of an officer on the lookout.

"I would have shot that weapon until it was empty," he said.

Zell told Robert that wanting to die is not reason enough for the death penalty.

"There are many people who want to die," Zell said, adding that that doesn't count as an aggravating factor.

The judge must find at least one aggravating factor was present during the killing to sentence Robert to death. The state presented five factors during the three-day pre-sentencing hearing: the death of a correctional officer, the manner of death, where and why it occurred, and the defendants' criminal background.

Robert said he was guilty of all five factors and offered a sixth one to the judge ? stealing Johnson's uniform, which included his wallet with money inside.

Robert chose not to present mitigating evidence during the hearing ? including time as a little league coach and EMT ? that could have swayed the judge to sentence him to life in prison. His good deeds are irrelevant now, he said.

"That person that did good no longer exists," Robert said.

Robert, sitting next to one of his lawyers and wearing an orange jumpsuit with his feet and hands shackled, ended his statement by saying that his death will not bring Johnson back, but it will start the healing process for his family. Robert then wiped away a tear.

But one of Robert's defense lawyers, Mark Kadi, said his client did take issue with being characterized as a sexual predator stemming from a kidnapping conviction in 2005. Robert contends he kidnapped the 18-year-old girl to rob her, not sexually assault her.

Lynette Johnson, Ronald Johnson's widow, broke down in tears and had to be escorted off the witness stand as she testified about how her life has been ruined because of Robert's actions on April 12. In their 34 years together, they spent a total of six nights apart, she said.

"We weren't done," she said. "We weren't done living. He wasn't done living with me."

Lynette Johnson called Robert "evil" and a "coward" and has a hard time responding when one of her six grandchildren ask about their papa.

"He decided to take him away from me," she said as she looked directly at Robert. "You are a coward."

Berget, who has pleaded not guilty to the slaying, also faces the death penalty. His trial is scheduled to start Jan. 30. A third inmate, Michael J. Nordman, 47, was charged with supplying some of the items used in the killing. Prosecutors have not said whether they will seek the death penalty for Nordman.


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White?s behind-the-scenes video blog that you can?t miss

UFC president Dana White has used his fight week video blogs to give fans a behind-the-scenes look at UFC events, ranging from seeing the many celebrities who attend fights to the random stops White will make in promoting the UFC.

This one is a little different and worth your time because it will give you a better idea of the gamut of emotions that fighters experience after a loss. It's a little long, and full of not-safe-for-work language, but turn those speakers down and press play.

Melvin Guillard switches from angry (slamming a chair) to brokenhearted (sobbing in a heap on the floor) rather quickly. He still had plenty of energy left over after his loss to Joe Lauzon in less than a minute, and it had to be exerted somewhere. On the other side of the spectrum, Kenny Florian is despondent after his five-round loss to Jose Aldo, and Gray Maynard is sadly appreciative to his cornermen after brushing off Frankie Edgar.

Seeing all this anger, pain and sadness makes you wonder why a fighter would put himself through such a grind just to lose, but the video blog answers that question in short glimpses of the winners. Edgar's glowing smile, Aldo's celebratory conversation with Anderson Silva, and White handing out bonus checks to the Fight of the Night and Submission of the Night winners show why they risk so much for a win.


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New York's City Center to reopen

For one of the oldest major performing arts venues in New York ? one that's hosted many of the world's premier artists for nearly 70 years ? City Center seems to have had something of a self-esteem problem.

It seated over 2,700 people in its main theater, but many of those seats were uncomfortable, the sightlines less than desirable. The lobby felt small and crowded. The beautiful vaulted ceiling in the upstairs lobby was dulled with layers of wear and dust.

The distinctive neo-Moorish facade, a city landmark, was barely visible from the street because of dark green awnings in front of it. And you couldn't see the building, located on West 55th Street, from either nearby corner.

In short, though it's only a block from the more famous Carnegie Hall, likely no one ever joked, "How do you get to City Center?" (Practice, practice, practice.)

But all this is changing.

New York City Center, proudly inaugurated by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia in 1943, is being reintroduced this week following a renovation to the tune of $56 million. Old layers of paint have been scraped away with razor blades, original color schemes restored. Seats have been ripped out, replaced with plusher, wider models. Better sloping has improved sightlines.

Outside, those nondescript green awnings have been removed, replaced by a marquee that shows off the sandstone facade. And ? hello, self-esteem! ? illuminated signs are now visible from Sixth and Seventh avenues in Midtown Manhattan.

"This place has been around a long time, and was truly getting a little dreary," its president and CEO, Arlene Shuler, said in an interview last week as workers around her applied the finishing touches. "People would come here for performances, but not know they were coming to City Center. We felt it was very important to be more competitive in this environment."

The building known now as City Center actually began as a home to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, otherwise known as the Shriners. "They'd been using Carnegie Hall as their meeting house, but Carnegie Hall didn't like all the cigar smoke. So they built their own place a block away," said Duncan Hazard, the chief architect on the job.

In 1943, though, the Shriners could no longer keep it and the building was headed for demolition, until LaGuardia and the city council took it over and turned it into an arts center. (It's still owned by the city, which was the major donor to the capital campaign that paid for the renovation.) At the opening, LaGuardia himself took the baton to conduct the New York Philharmonic in the national anthem. Mayor Michael Bloomberg is scheduled to conduct, as well, at a star-studded reopening Tuesday.

City Center was a major home for New York culture for decades ? early on, as an alternative to Broadway theater, and the original home of New York City Ballet and New York City Opera. When those companies later moved to the newly built Lincoln Center, it became underused. It was refocused as a major dance center, and today is home to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater ? which recently signed a new 10-year deal ? and to American Ballet Theatre's fall season. It brings in countless visiting troupes, from the Kirov to flamenco performers to tango groups.

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It also hosts the extremely popular Fall for Dance Festival, a 10-day smorgasbord of global dance that sold out in five hours this year (it begins later this week) and the equally popular Encores! musical theater series. In a smaller theater, it houses the Manhattan Theater Club.

One recent loss was the Paul Taylor Dance Company, which recently announced a move to Lincoln Center's David H. Koch Theater, newly vacated by New York City Opera.

Shuler hopes they will return, and that the renovation will draw others, of course. Leading a reporter around the new digs, she and Hazard began on the stage ? now refitted with a sprung floor, kinder to dancers' feet. Out in the audience, a worker in a cherry-picker was cleaning the domed ceiling with what looked like a giant mop.

"Over a few unfortunate restorations, the color had become an unappealing gray-white," Hazard said of the theater's Moorish-style ceiling and walls. "We did some archaeology of the paint finishes, and found out the original 1923 color scheme." Now, there are vivid blues and greens.

There's also a spiffy new lighting booth. But the first challenge was to improve those sightlines. Undesirable seats were ripped out, bringing the seat count down to 2,250 from over 2,700. Rows were also resloped, adding to better visibility, and staggered. Seats were widened, too, with better cushioning for the derriere.

The renovation, which was completed over two summers to minimize disruption, also focused on the inner and outer lobbies. Patrons now enter from the sides of the auditorium, creating more lobby space and improving audience flow.

If You Go...

  1. NEW YORK CITY CENTER: 130 W. 55th St., between Sixth and Seventh Avenues; or 212-581-1212. Easily reached by subway and bus (directions on the website.)

    WHAT'S ON: All offerings on City Center's Mainstage and at its two smaller stages are listed on its website. After the Oct. 25 reopening gala, the sold-out Fall for Dance Festival runs Oct. 27-Nov. 6, featuring five wildly diverse dance programs. Other upcoming highlights:

    • American Ballet Theatre, Nov. 8-13.
    • "Richard II" from the Pearl Theatre Company, Nov. 8-Dec. 24.
    • Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Nov. 30-Jan. 1.

    WHERE TO EAT: The City Center website lists 30 restaurants nearby, including Molyvos (Greek), the Russian Tea Room and Osteria del Circo (Italian). For quick snacks, try Dean & Deluca, 156 W. 56th St.

The outer lobby now has a bar, and paned glass doors so one can see in from the street. And for all the faithful reconstruction, a contemporary touch has found its way in: Large video monitors in the inner lobby, which will host three video installations per year.

There are added elevators, and even the restrooms have been redone with an eye to Moorish style. (And cast and crew now have their own restroom on stage level, something they were lacking.)

Shuler and Hazard seemed especially proud of the Grand Tier lobby, a level up from the orchestra, with its colorfully painted vaulted ceiling and the desert-themed murals on the walls.

Restoring the ceiling, workers with razor blades scraped off layers of paint and shellac for four to five months. "It was a real labor of love," said Shuler.

On the other hand, the upstairs lobby floor had been buffed with so much love last week that it was dangerously slippery underfoot. That will be adjusted, Shuler said.

Back in the theater, sitting in the best Grand Tier seats, Shuler said she believed they were the best seats in the city, bar none ? they hang over row H, bringing one close to the stage, yet above it.

Hopefully, she said, more people will know about them now.

"We think people are going to be aware now that they're coming to City Center," Shuler said.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday 26 October 2011

[OOC] Mythological Masquerade

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Do we have to make a mythological creature? Or do we just create a human with outstanding qualities?

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If its cool id like to reserve a female character, but i also wanted to know if there is a plot? if not its cool, i was just wondering.

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Categories: Legal | Tags: bielizna nocna | Permalink


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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Tibetan's failed suicide captured in amateur video

Exiled Tibetans have released amateur video that they say shows the failed suicide bid of a Tibetan monk in southwest China last month.

The monk is one of at least 10 Tibetans in their late teens and 20s who have set themselves on fire since March to protest China's rule over Tibet, with five or more of them dying from their injuries. The man in the video is believed to have survived.

The individuals who shared the video did so on condition of anonymity for fear the videographer and those who helped get the video out of China could be punished by the Chinese government.

They said the man in the video is Lobsang Konchok, a teenage monk who tried to set himself on fire Sept. 26 at Kirti Monastery in Sichuan province's Aba prefecture, where tensions between monks and the authorities have been high for months.

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The shaky 34-second video, which was released Sunday by The Associated Press, shows a partially clothed man lying face down on a street, his feet and lower calves black and smoking. A woman screaming in Tibetan can be heard in the background, and a police car and several uniformed People's Armed Police officers are visible behind the man. One of the officers approaches the camera at the end of the video and says "No filming" in Chinese.

Chinese state media confirmed at the time that Lobsang and a second monk both tried to self-immolate but were rescued by police after suffering superficial burns and were in stable condition after the incident.

Aba has been the scene of numerous protests over the past several years against the Chinese government. Most are led by monks who are fiercely loyal to Tibet's exiled Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, who fled the Himalayan region in 1959 amid an abortive anti-Beijing uprising and is reviled by China's communist government.

China's Foreign Ministry has condemned the immolations and accused the Dalai Lama's supporters of encouraging them. Last week, ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu called such alleged support "violence and terrorism in disguise."

Thupten Samphal, spokesman for the Tibetan government-in-exile, denied Saturday that the Dalai Lama had encouraged Tibetans to burn themselves, and said the spiritual leader considers suicide a form of violence.

"What the Tibetans in Tibet are trying to do by burning themselves is to try to attempt to draw international attention to the really grim situation in Tibet," he said. "There has been increased repression in all the monasteries in Tibet."

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday 24 October 2011

Dodgeball tournament a hit (San Jose Mercury News)

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Shark kills American diver off western Australia (AP)

CANBERRA, Australia ? A great white shark killed an American diver Saturday in the second fatal shark attack off Western Australia state in 12 days and fourth in a little over a year.

A witness on a dive boat saw "a large amount of bubbles" before the 32-year-old man surfaced with obviously fatal injuries, Western Australia Police Sgt. Gerry Cassidy said.

Two people on the boat described the shark as a 10-foot (3-meter) great white, Cassidy said.

The shark struck 500 yards (meters) north of the picturesque tourist haven of Rottnest Island, which is 11 miles (18 kilometers) from a popular Perth city mainland beach where a 64-year-old swimmer is believed to have been taken by a great white on Oct. 10.

The American was living in Perth on a work visa. Police would not release his identity or hometown.

Authorities cannot say whether he was killed by the same shark that is believed to have taken Bryn Martin as he made his regular morning swim from Perth's premier Cottesloe Beach toward a buoy about 380 yards (350 meters) offshore.

But an analysis of Martin's torn swimming trunks recovered from the seabed near the buoy pointed to a great white shark being the culprit. No other trace of Martin has been found.

"It's a cloudy old day today which is the same as we had the other day with Cottesloe, and they're the conditions that sharks love," Cassidy said.

It is the third fatal shark attack off Western Australia in less than two months and the fourth in 14 months. Fatal shark attacks average fewer than two a year nationwide.

Premier Colin Barnett, the leader of the state government, said the shark will be hunted and killed if possible.

He said fisheries officers will spread bait in the area of the attack to try to catch the shark.

Great whites can grow to more than 20 feet (6 meters) in length and 5,000 pounds (2,300 kilograms) in weight. They are protected in Australia, a primary location for the species.


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Ask Engadget: best AirPlay speakers for travel?

We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget inquiry is coming to us from Christian, who seems to be into the idea of traveling sans wires. If you're looking to send in an inquiry of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com.

"I am looking for some AirPlay-enabled speakers that I can use to travel with. They should support 110 to 240 volt and have WiFi built-in so I don't have to carry around an AP. Also, it would be cool if this WiFi could connect to the hotel network, if possible. Thanks!"

It'd also be cool if you share any relevant advice down in comments below. Cheers!

Ask Engadget: best AirPlay speakers for travel? originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 23 Oct 2011 00:39:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Engadget Show is live, here at 6:00PM ET!

Are you ready for this? We're back for a very special Halloween episode of The Engadget Show, live tonight at 6PM ET, and you can join us at this very URL -- so keep your browser locked to this spot.

This time out, we've got a very special Halloween episode, including a walk through of a high-tech haunted house, a trip to New York Comic Con, an in-studio costume contest and the unveiling of the winners of our Frankengadget competition. We'll also be visiting with Intel's resident futurist, paying tribute to Steve Jobs and taking a look at the month's hottest gadgets.

Continue reading The Engadget Show is live, here at 6:00PM ET!

The Engadget Show is live, here at 6:00PM ET! originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 21 Oct 2011 17:25:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday 23 October 2011

The nations weather (AP)

Weather Underground Forecast for Friday, October 21, 2011.

Active weather diminishes in the Northeast, but returns to the Northwest on Friday. A low pressure system over the Great Lakes continues moving northeastward and into eastern Canada. Thus, scattered showers will diminish across the Great Lakes and Northeast as this system exits the region throughout the day. Expect a few light showers with rainfall totals around an inch. Meanwhile, the back side of this system continues to pull in cool air from Canada. Frost and freeze advisories remain in effect along the Mississippi River Valley as overnight lows will dip into the mid- to upper 30s, possibly into the 20s in the Upper Midwest. Expect daytime highs to remain 10 to 15 degrees below seasonable across the Eastern Valleys.

In the West, a ridge of high pressure remains the dominant weather feature for the Rocky Mountains and Plains. This will allow for plenty of sunshine with warm temperatures. Highs will range in the 50s and 60s across the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest, while the Southern Plains remain in the 70s and 80s.

Active weather returns to the Pacific Northwest as a cold front stretches in from British Columbia. This will kick up scattered rain showers across Washington and Oregon, with snow anticipated at higher elevations. Expect 1 to 3 inches of snow above 7,000 feet across the Cascades. Temperatures in the Lower 48 states Thursday have ranged from a morning low of 15 degrees at Rock Springs, Wyo. to a high of 91 degrees at Gila Bend, Ariz.


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