Sunday 9 October 2011

How Safe is your Business? ? Jena Dyco International Blog

With new Health & Safety legislation coming into effect in January next year and National Safe Work Australia Week coming up at the end of October we thought it was time to talk workplace safety.

In the course of our busy work week, it can be easy to forget about health & safety and put it to the back of our to-do lists. But the longer we put off implementing the processes in our business, the more chance there is that someone ? be it you, an employee or maybe even a customer ? could get injured on the job.

Below are a few tips on how you can update the health & safety procedures in your workplace to help you prevent accidents on the job and in the workplace.

Familiarise yourself with the new Workplace Health & Safety Legislation
On 1 January 2012, new national legislation is coming into effect to harmonise the workplace health & safety laws for each state and territory. The purpose of this legislation is to provide similar standards for all workplaces around Australia. The Commonwealth, the states and territories are all responsible for making and enforcing their own health and safety law, and while there may be slight variations from state to state the new standards will ensure that all workplaces can count on similar standards regardless of their location and jurisdiction.

It is important that you read and understand the new legislation before it comes into effect on 1 January 2012 to avoid being caught off guard. We recommend that you take a look at the most recent edition (June 2011) of the Model Work Health & Safety Bill and download a copy to keep on hand.

More information about the Workplace Health & Safety Legislation is available on the Safe Work Australia website.

Sign up for Jena Dyco Health & Safety systems
We take workplace safety seriously at Jena Dyco and want to make sure that the workplaces of all our customers are as safe as possible. As such, we?re updating and developing our Health & Safety Systems for 2012 to make sure that they are compliant with the new legislation that is coming into effect on 1 January 2012.

The digital Health & Safety Systems are available to all students who have completed the Jena Dyco Health & Safety Course. They include information and templates that you can use to develop to the standards and needs of your company, and are updated on a regular basis to keep you up to date with the latest in health & safety developments. The Jena Dyco Health & Safety systems are available electronically and cost $165 for the first year and $200 annually thereafter.

Click here to enquire about or request to sign up for Jena Dyco Health & Safety Standards.

Take part in Safe Work Australia 2011 Week (23 ? 29 October)
National Safe Work Australia Week ? this year taking place 23 ? 29 October ? is held annually in October to raise awareness of workplace safety. The Week aims to encourage all working Australians to get involved in and concentrate on safety in their workplace to reduce death, injury and disease.

Workplaces around the country are encouraged to get involved in a wide range of activities to promote safe workplaces. Activities include:

  • Becoming a Safe Work Australia Safety Week Ambassador,
  • Taking part in 10@10 (taking ten minutes at 10am to talk with staff and colleagues about safety in your workplace)
  • Planning your own activities and events (a range of information and ideas are available on the Safe Work Australia website)
  • Participate in events and activities organised by the work health and safety authority in your state or territory.

More information about Safe Work Australia 2011 Week is available on the Safe Work Australia website.

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