Tuesday 8 November 2011

Don?t Mess With Grandma

It was swank. It was also obsessed with Occupy Wall Street. The Occupiers had been around for only six weeks, and already they were public enemies. They were getting on David Koch?s nerves. ?You see the left trying to rejuvenate itself at the grassroots,? said Tim Phillips, the president and public face of AFP, opening up the conference in that massive ballroom. ?The Occupy Wall Street movement offers our nation a crystal-clear choice between what the radical left?s vision is for this nation and what AFP and our Tea Party allies? vision is. They openly call for socialism and they disparage job creators!? He offered a warning, too. ?Often, the Occupy Wall Street movement has called for and resulted in violence. They break the law.?

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=1ac9c774a2d406c4654c8f490189ba35

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