Wednesday 31 October 2012

Obsidian Finance Group - Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.: Is it legal for ...

Obsidian Finance Group - Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.: Is it legal for Judge Randall Dunn, Portland Oregon Bankruptcy Judge to suggest a "Trustee" in a Federal Bankruptcy Proceeding? Was there Bankruptcy Codes Violated in the Summit Bankruptcy?

Is it legal for Judge Randall Dunn, Portland Oregon Bankruptcy Judge to suggest a "Trustee" in a Federal Bankruptcy Proceeding? Was there Bankruptcy Codes Violated in the Summit Bankruptcy?


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Balance Family and Business In Direct Sales - Build it Big Radio Show

Direct Sales Business Balance

Many women own their own businesses from home, and often worry about how they are going to run a direct sales business working at home business while raising a family at the same time.

The answer is simple- there is no right way to own your own business and make time for family as well, but there are tips out there that can help a person balance their family and business when working from home. Starting out it is essential that you participate in home based business communities and direct sales training opportunities.

After that the balance, is well? a balancing act!

Balance Home And Family Life

balance in home businessFirst of all, remember that just because you work from home doesn?t mean that you are always at work. Likewise, just because your family comes home doesn?t mean that you should automatically put your work aside. Perhaps the best way to balance work and family is to put yourself on a work schedule that your family understands and let them know that just because you are home, that doesn?t mean that you are available right away.

Also, don?t feel guilty for putting work first. What a lot of people do is remember that they have a work at home busines and that business should be treated just like any other job. What this means is this- whether you work outside the home full- or part-time or work from your home, you?re still working and you should never feel guilty for taking time to provide for your family, even if your office is your living room couch.

One of the downsides about working from home is not knowing when to take a day off. When you have a work at home business it?s too easy to work every day and forget to set aside that time for your family. After all, home businesses really do take a lot of time out of your life to be successful. As such, you need to remind yourself that in many ways your family must come first, and you should try your best to make sure that your computer is off on weekends and that you aren?t always checking your phone for work-related calls. Your family will be grateful you took time off for them, and you can feel better knowing that you can balance your family life and your work at home business at the same time and be successful in doing so.

Work At Home Training

Direct sales work at home consultants who participate in training will achieve their financial goals.

The #1 free direct sales party plan training center on the web provides direct sales training and more:

What are your thoughts on the subject?


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Fire breaks out in storm-damaged NJ shore town


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Yotpo Closes $1.5M Round Led by Rhodium And Gandyr Group To Scale Social Reviews

Screen Shot 2012-10-30 at 13.37.20Back in April Tel Aviv-based Yotpo raised $800,000 in seed funding. But what the hell is it? Well, it's out to "make your customers happy? by allowing mainly eCommerce sites to engage visitors (getting them commenting, re-tweeting, sharing etc) by serving them with opinions about the new gadget or whatever it is in a social manner. Now it's closed a $1.5 million round led by Rhodium and Gandyr Group with participation from Zohar Gilon, Tron Capital, and current investors Plus Ventures and 2bAngels. The new funding will enable Yotpo to expand with ecommerce websites, and accelerate the product. It competes with other social review sites out there such as Reevoo.


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Your Office Mates Or Locals Your COMPETITION??

Hunger Games ArcherIn the movie Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence's character as her town's representative to fight it out among all the competitors to death as an archer with one last standing, is an ULTIMATE in competition. Interesting plot but made me think and ask

Are Your Office People Or Local Professionals Your Competitors?

I see it both ways that you share a market but to conceal any of your secrets to not let them grow as they take your piece of the pie away from you, is it really that bad? How do you view your office mates or the local peer people to you?



Help them? Or keep a wary eye on them with your sharpened arrows in your quiver at all times?



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How I Finally Stopped Fighting To Save A Toxic Relationship ...



Subtract the recreational drug use and manic, extreme decision-making and I know what it is to find love in a hopeless place. I met someone in the least attractive of ways, all signs said ?NO!? Every angel guarding me tried to pull me away, but I allowed ?lonely? to lead me to him. I filled my days and nights with him. Great conversation and intense physical attraction. Nothing but us. He adored everything about me, or so he said. How could something so wrong, feel so amazing? I was flying high, with a small storm cloud looming in the distance. But hey, it was in the distance so I willed myself not to worry about it right now.

He feigned interest in my faith and my concern for my health, but tried to feed me propaganda excluding the God I believe in and tried to push me into getting on birth control so he wouldn?t have to use a condom. Condoms ?don?t be hittin? right? as he so eloquently put it. He said he loved me just the way I was, but I noticed a pattern of the smallest, negative jabs he would throw whenever I refused to give in to his opinion on any given topic. ?You?re stuck up,? ?You probably wouldn?t support your husband,? ?I misjudged how fragile your feelings are.? He found ways to belittle me whenever I stood up for myself and in my silly attempt to not seem so ?fragile? I just took it.

It was a constant tug-of-war. Was I going to make bad decision after bad decision, disfiguring my self-esteem and worth just to keep him in my life? Or was I going to lay my armor down and walk away? I had never had a man so blatantly play such mind games, disregarding my values and vulnerability in all my years of dating. I had walked away from him before so surely I could do it again and this time for good.

What many of us fail to realize in these sideways relationships is that it very rarely gets better. He told me once that just because he may have felt badly about the way he treated women in the past, it didn?t mean it changed his behavior for the better. That woke me up. A light bulb turned on and kept me awake. If he arrogantly acknowledged that he has been horrible to women in relationships but his behavior hasn?t/won?t changed, then what the HELL was I still doing there? Where did I lose my mind in thinking I needed this guy? I had enough. I told him exactly what I thought of him and where he could go. I took back what I never should have given away in the first place. The war was over. He could keep texting, telling me how wrong I was and how I had given up on us. He could keep trying to engage, but you can?t fight someone who steps out of the ring. He wasn?t worth it.

It?s easy to get caught up if you allow a moment of ?lonely? to overwhelm you. You start fighting for something that never even proved its value to you. I used to judge women who kept sticking around the same manipulative, no good men. That is until I looked up and realized that I had become one of them.

We fail ourselves by confusing the fool?s gold shimmer of lust and a good time for something real. We find ourselves battling to keep our footing with a manipulator because they always come in an attractive package. And even though everything within us is screaming ?DANGER!? we still step forward like moths to a flame, thinking that maybe this time will be different. What we must understand ? man or woman ? is that WE must hold ourselves in higher regard than to willingly become guinea pigs, testing to see if a cheater, liar, and manipulator has changed. If we can?t clearly see the change before we get involved, it has not happened and we are foolish to believe otherwise. Love doesn?t break down, it builds up. It restores. It heals.

He only went as far as I allowed him to go in my lapse of good sense. I can recognize, adjust and move forward now. I only fight when it?s worth it and the war is over.

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Health insurance companies 'scared to death' about Romney victory

Ellen DeGeneres isn't the only one who fears a possible Mitt Romney presidency, if elected some health insurance companies "are scared to death about what he's going to do."
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act promises the most sweeping reforms to the nation's health care system in almost half a century. Under this system, people can seek out preventative health measures instead of resorting to the emergency room. In the long run, health care costs will go down, while the quality of life will continue to rise, PolicyMic says.

Were Romney elected, he said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act -- the first day in office. Federal and state bureaucrats and the health care industry already foresee months of uncertainty: Would they follow the law on the books or the one in the works? What would federal courts tell them to do?

Although the industry hates parts of President Barack Obama's health care law, major outfits such as UnitedHealth Group and BlueCross Blue Shield also stand to rake in billions of dollars from new customers who'll get health insurance under the law. The companies already have invested tens of millions to carry it out, Business Insider said.

"There are a lot of dollars and a lot of staff time that's been put into place to make this thing operational," G. William Hoagland, until recently a Cigna vice president, said of the health care law.

Nothing of substance to replace it with At the same time, Romney has hinted that he would not just repeal the Affordable Care Act but also replace it - and critics contend his campaign has provided scant information on just what would replace the law. "They have nothing of substance to replace it with," said Robert Laszewski, an industry consultant and former health insurance executive, according to the Journal Sentinel. "And that's the important thing to understand." America's Health Insurance Plans, the major industry trade group, isn't talking about what its members are telling the Romney campaign, though informal discussions are under way through intermediaries. Insurers like Romney's plan to privatize Medicare, and some point out that it looks a lot like Obama's approach to covering the uninsured. Laszewski, who also writes a respected blog, the Health Policy and Marketplace Review, says the tension is becoming unbearable. "I spend a lot of time in executive offices and board rooms, and they are good Republicans who would like to see Romney win," said Laszewski. "But they are scared to death about what he's going to do." Without ACA: 30 million uninsured people In contrast, in a little over a year, some 30 million uninsured people will start getting coverage through a mix of subsidized private insurance for middle-class households and expanded Medicaid for low-income people. Many of the new Medicaid recipients would get signed up in commercial managed care companies. A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers study estimated the new markets would be worth $50 billion to $60 billion in premiums in 2014, and as much as $230 billion annually within seven years. Under the law, insurance companies would have to accept all applicants, including the sick. But the companies also would have a steady stream of younger, healthier customers required to buy their products, with the aid of new government subsidies. That finally could bring stability to the individual and small-business insurance markets,according to Business Insider. At a time when employer coverage has been eroding, government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and now Obama's law are becoming the growth engines for the industry's bottom line. The trend seems too big to derail, says Morningstar analyst Matthew Coffina, who tracks the health insurance industry. If Romney wins he's more likely to reduce the scope and scale of the law, Coffina said. Possibilities include delaying all or parts of the new coverage, particularly a Medicaid expansion that GOP governors don't like. The industry has three items in particular it wants stripped out: cuts to Medicare Advantage private insurance plans; a requirement that insurers spend 80 percent of premiums on medical care or rebate the difference to their customers; and new taxes on insurance companies. But CEOs don't share the visceral objection that many Republicans have to a bigger government role in health care, Business Insider said. Industry executives "are Republicans in the sense that they're worried about the bottom line and they want to retain private sector involvement," said Hoagland, the former Cigna vice president. "But some of their bottom line is now driven by Medicare and Medicaid. So it's not like they're red or blue. It's more like purple."


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Tuesday 30 October 2012

Nokia says shipping new Lumia smartphones this week


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Monday 29 October 2012

Falcons Cheerleaders Finish Second at Cheer Competition ...








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Introducing Engadget's next giveaway: Five iPhone 5s in five days!

Introducing Engadget's next giveaway Five iPhone 5s in five days!

A lot of you out there have been anxiously awaiting the holidays, and -- more importantly -- an excuse to get your hands on the latest iPhone. In fact, the demand is so high that Apple is still experiencing inventory shortages. We don't want that little niggle getting in your way, of course, so we've teamed up with five different companies to get you set up with an iPhone! So here's the deal: beginning Monday, we will begin one new iPhone 5 contest every day through Friday. Some of the contests will feature the actual phone (carrier branding may vary), while others will offer an Apple Store gift card to cover the cost of buying one without a contract.

You can enter each individual contest once, giving you five separate opportunities to win over the course of the next week. So be on the lookout starting Monday, and make sure you come back every day to increase your chances of winning! Below you'll find the companies involved, so that way you know exactly who to thank for your new toy. This post is not a contest, by the way, so leaving a comment here won't enter you to win. Just make sure you're back here bright and early on Monday -- believe us, there will be plenty of other awesome news to check out that day while you're here.

Note: this next week is going to be a pretty hectic one, so we're going to keep each contest open for five days rather than the usual two.

Continue reading Introducing Engadget's next giveaway: Five iPhone 5s in five days!

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Introducing Engadget's next giveaway: Five iPhone 5s in five days! originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 27 Oct 2012 11:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Romney woos Florida early vote; Obama eyes N.H.

LAND O'LAKES, Fla. (AP) ? Juggling politics and storm preparations, Mitt Romney dangled a plea for bipartisanship before early voters in Florida on Saturday as Barack Obama worked to nail down tiny New Hampshire's four electoral votes. Both campaigns scrambled to steer clear of a most unlikely October surprise, a superstorm barreling up the East Coast.

With just 10 days left in an extraordinarily tight race, Hurricane Sandy had both campaigns ripping up carefully mapped-out itineraries as they worked to maximize voter turnout and avoid any suggestion that they were putting politics ahead of public safety.

The campaigns pressed every possible angle in search of advantage ? even paying attention to punctuation.

Obama's campaign signs for months have said: "Forward." Now they say: "Forward!"

Romney, who has been striking a more moderate tone as he courts women and independents in the campaign's home stretch, campaigned across Florida with a pledge to "build bridges" with the other party.

He coupled that message with digs at Obama for "shrinking from the magnitude of the times" and advancing an agenda that lacks vision. Noting that Obama supporters like to chant "four more years" at the president's campaign rallies, Romney picked up on his crowd's own chant at the Pensacola Civic Center and said: "I like '10 more days' a lot better."

His warm-up act was more biting: Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told the crowd that Obama was advancing "the ideas of countries that people come here to get away from." Pressed later on what countries he was referring to, Rubio said, "any big-government country in the world" and specifically referred to Mexico and Latin America.

Obama hauled his campaign to New Hampshire, where he told volunteers at a Teamsters hall in Manchester that: "We don't know how this thing is going to play out. These four electoral voters right here could make all the difference."

It takes 270 electoral votes to win the election. Obama is ahead in states and the District of Columbia representing 237 electoral votes; Romney has a comfortable lead in states with 191 electoral votes. The rest lie in nine contested states that are too close to call, New Hampshire among them.

The president adjusted his campaign speech at a Nashua rally to appeal to voters in low-tax New Hampshire, hammering Romney for raising taxes and fees as governor of neighboring Massachusetts.

Obama accused Romney of running in Massachusetts on a pledge to lower taxes, then making life more expensive for the middle class after taking office.

"All he's offering is a big rerun of the same policies," Obama told a crowd of 8,500 gathered at an outdoor rally on an unseasonably warm October day.

The president said Romney even raised fees in Massachusetts on obtaining a birth certificate, "which would have been expensive for me." It was a veiled reference to opponents of the president who have incorrectly said he was born outside the United States. Copies of his birth certificate have been in high demand.

The candidates worked to lock down every possible early vote without intruding on emergency preparations as the storm's expected track looked to affect at least four battleground states: North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio and New Hampshire.

Romney scrapped plans to campaign in Virginia on Sunday, and switched his schedule for the day to Ohio. At a rally in Kissimee, Fla., he urged supporters to keep those in the storm's path "in your mind and in your hearts."

"You know how tough hurricanes can be," he told the Floridians.

Vice President Joe Biden canceled a Saturday rally in coastal Virginia Beach, Va., to allow local officials there to focus on disaster preparedness and local security concerns.

But he went ahead with an appearance in Lynchburg, which is inland. Biden said Romney and Ryan are fleeing from their record to appear more moderate than they are. They "are counting on the American people to have an overwhelming case of amnesia."

Plans for son Beau Biden, the Delaware attorney general, to join his father in Virginia were scrapped when he was called up by the National Guard to help with the storm.

None of Obama's campaign stops had been canceled, but he did adjust move up his planned Monday departure for Florida to Sunday night to beat the storm.

En route to New Hampshire, Obama held an airborne conference call with administration officials about the federal government's role in minimizing storm damage and a ensuring speedy recovery effort.

Campaign spokesman Jennifer Psaki said the Obama team was continuing to promote early voting as something that provides flexibility for busy families, but she added that with the storm headed for shore, "safety comes first, and that's the case with early voting as well."

Romney's trip to Florida, with three events across the state, was timed to coincide with the first day of in-person early voting in a state that went for Obama four years ago and where 29 electoral votes are up for grabs this time. Both campaigns already have been working furiously to gain the advantage in the state's vote-by-mail program, an area where Republicans typically have been stronger.

"I need you to vote early!" Romney told supporters in Land O'Lakes.

Republican Rep. Paul Ryan worked his way across rainy, chilly Ohio, on a two-day bus trip, with his family in tow. At a factory in New Philadelphia, Ryan stressed the hit that manufacturing industries have taken over the last four years and promised more coal jobs, natural gas jobs and increased military spending if Romney is elected.

Speaking to more than 1,000 supporters on the factory floor at Gradall Industries, Ryan told voters: "You know it's you. You know what you have in front of you. You know your responsibility."

Campaign 2012 was serious business, with so little time left and the storm complicating the end game, but Ryan's children helped to lighten the tone. His 7-, 9- and 10-year-olds scampered between parts bins and heavy chains at the factory.

Nine-year-old Charlie waved the peace sign and mugged for cameras, prompting his mother, Janna Ryan, to shake her head and declare, "I don't know where he gets it. It's kind of crazy."

During a later stop at a bakery in Circleville, Ohio, 10-year-old daughter Liz told the bakery clerk that her dad was "sugar-free except for doughnuts and ice cream."

"And apple-fritters," Ryan agreed.

Obama, for his part, made a stop at the Common Man Merrimack, a restaurant where he toasted patrons with a Common Man Ale, saying: "To voting. To America. Doesn't matter what party."

The campaigns and their allies kept up a steady stream of TV and radio ads in the battleground states. The right-leaning Americans for Job Security made a rare purchase of Philadelphia airtime, amounting to $1.2 million, for pro-Romney ads. While a few independent groups have tried to make Pennsylvania competitive for Romney, neither Obama nor Romney has devoted ad resources to the state, which is expected to go for Obama.


Benac reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Philip Elliott in Ohio, Julie Pace in New Hampshire and Matthew Daly in Virginia contributed to this report.


Follow Nancy Benac on Twitter:


meet the press

Friday 26 October 2012

Sharing space: Proximity breeds collaboration

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? A new University of Michigan study shows that when researchers share a building, and especially a floor, the likelihood of forming new collaborations and obtaining funding increases dramatically.

The findings have wide relevance to corporations, as well.

"Our analyses clearly show that there are benefits to co-location," said Jason Owen-Smith, an associate professor of sociology and organizational studies.

Researchers who occupy the same building are 33 percent more likely to form new collaborations than researchers who occupy different buildings, and scientists who occupy the same floor are 57 percent more likely to form new collaborations than investigators who occupy different buildings, he said.

Owen-Smith is the lead author of a report titled "A Tale of Two Buildings: Socio-Spatial Significance in Innovation." The report details the findings of a two-year study funded by the U-M Office of the Vice President for Research, the U-M Institute for Social Research (ISR), and the U-M Medical School.

For the study, the research team conducted surveys of 172 faculty and research staff members in three U-M buildings, and also used administrative data to assess collaboration and physical proximity. The buildings were the North Campus Research Complex (NCRC), the A. Alfred Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building and the Comprehensive Cancer Center.

"One of the truly distinctive features of the University of Michigan is the exceptionally low barrier to doing interdisciplinary research," said Stephen Forrest, U-M vice president for research. "This study gives insights into the benefits that such research brings and how interdisciplinarity, which is now at the forefront of scientific inquiry, is supported by such hubs as the North Campus Research Complex that brings researchers from many different disciplines into contact."

"This study comes at an opportune moment when the NCRC is still an experiment-in-progress of larger scale collaborative research," said David Canter, NCRC executive director. "The conclusions from this study are a reminder that a one-size-fits-all approach is not an optimal approach. Group dynamics and the benefits of chance interactions influence productivity and innovative ideas."

"This kind of rigorous social science research is very much in the ISR tradition," said James S. Jackson, director of ISR. "Similar principles were used by the ISR founders in designing the 1965 ISR building. We invested in this study in order to assist the NCRC but also to inform our decisions about how the new addition to the ISR-Thompson building, now under construction, can maximize interdisciplinary collaborations and success in achieving funding for research from a variety of external sources."

The study, which is the most extensive attempt to date to elucidate the socio-spatial dynamics of successful scientific research collaborations, tests assumptions about proximity and social networks that have stood unexamined for half a century.

One of these assumptions is that passive contacts between inhabitants of a building -- just bumping into people as you go about your daily business -- makes it more likely that you'll share ideas and eventually engage in formal collaborations. This assumption is based on the work of ISR researcher Leon Festinger, who studied the friendships that developed among dormitory residents in the 1950s.

Owen-Smith and colleagues examined the relationship between office and lab proximity and walking patterns, and found that linear distance between offices was less important than overlap in daily walking paths. They developed the concept of zonal overlap as a way to operationalize Festinger's idea of passive contact.

"We looked at how much overlap existed for any two researchers moving between lab space, office space, and the nearest bathroom and elevator," Owen-Smith said. "And we found that net of the distance between their offices, for every 100 feet of zonal overlap, collaborations increased by 20 percent and grant funding increased between 21 and 30 percent."

Owen-Smith and colleagues also found that the likelihood of passive contacts can be more simply assessed by using a measure of "door passing" -- whether one investigator's work path passes by another's office door.

The analysis also showed the research groups studied were more likely to report unscheduled, impromptu encounters rather than scheduled meetings, and that most communication took place face-to-face rather than through electronic means. But this tendency varied among groups.

Other members of the study team are U-M researchers Felichism Kabo, Margaret Levenstein, Richard Price, Gerald Davis, Yongha Hwang and Natalie Cotton Nessler.


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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Michigan. The original article was written by Diane Swanbrow.

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McClatchy posts lower 3Q earnings, revenue

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) ? The McClatchy Co. reported lower net income in the third quarter, hurt by declining circulation and ad revenue at its newspapers.

The owner of The Miami Herald, The Sacramento Bee and other newspapers said Thursday that it earned $5.1 million, or 6 cents per share, in the July-September period. That's down 46 percent from $9.4 million, or 11 cents per share, in the same period a year earlier.

Revenue fell 4 percent to $287.5 million from $300.2 million.

Circulation revenue slid 2 percent to $62.8 million from $64.1 million.

Advertising revenue fell 5.4 percent to $212 million from $224.2 million a year ago.

The company said its results show that it's "making progress in an uncertain economy." Third-quarter revenue declined at a slower pace than in the first quarter of this year, when it dropped 6.8 percent. In the second quarter ad revenue was down 5.7 percent.

"We were particularly pleased to see continued growth in our digital advertising revenues and are excited about initiatives under way to pursue new revenue in both advertising and subscriptions," said McClatchy president and CEO Pat Talamantes in a statement.

Shares slid 4 cents to $2.57 in afternoon trading.


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Wednesday 24 October 2012

October 2012 - Triangle Arts and Entertainment

PlayMakers Repertory Company's world premiere of David Ball's new adaptation of Moli?re's "Imaginary Invalid" will run on Oct. 24-28 and Oct. 30-Nov. 4 and Nov. 6-11 in the Paul Green Theatre at UNC-Chapel Hill

PlayMakers Repertory Company?s world premiere of David Ball?s adaptation of Moli?re?s ?Imaginary Invalid? will run Oct. 24-28 and Oct. 30-Nov. 4 and Nov. 6-11 in Paul Green Theatre at UNC-Chapel Hill

PlayMakers Repertory Company will present the world premiere of David Ball?s adaptation of Moli?re?s 17th century comedy The Imaginary Invalid, on Oct. 24-28 and Oct. 30-Nov. 4 and Nov. 6-11 in the Paul Green Theatre in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill?s Center for Dramatic Art. This timely excoriation of unscrupulous elements of the health-care industry was commissioned by UNC?s professional-theater-in-residence.

?Imaginary Invalid is almost always funny,? notes dramatist David Ball. ?I wanted my adaptation funnier and closer to the intersection with tragedy than others I?ve seen.?

Dominique Serrand, who is co-founder and artistic director of Theatre de la Jeune Lune of Minneapolis, MN, confesses, ?[Imaginary Invalid] is a haunting play for any French director to tackle, being so loaded with the history of its original production.? He adds, ?[It is] Moli?re?s last [play], at the performance of which he died [on Feb 7, 1673], ironically playing the Invalid himself. A bit like walking under a ladder, it is the Moli?re play at the end of which we, as directors, wonder if this could indeed be our last one as well.?

Serrand says, ?The haunting character of the play is certainly one of the defining elements that did provoke me to do it. It is also the immense pleasure to work on a writer?s very last play. Not necessarily thinking about categorizing it within the entire repertoire (is it his very best play? probably not), but admiring the evolution and the richness of invention accrued over all the years of writing.?

He claims, ?I am not looking at The Imaginary Invalid as a single play, but as an extraordinary achievement of the writer of Tartuffe [1664], Don Juan [1665], and other great human comedies. The man who stands there in front of you, the Imaginary Invalid named Argan, tortured by the thought that he might be sick although he is not, is performed by Moli?re, very sick, who actually dies at the end of his own performance of the character he wrote. [The Imaginary Invalid is] A comedy deeply grounded in tragedy.?

PlayMakers guest director Dominique Serrand will stage The Imaginary Invalid with his long-time collaborator Steven Epp in the title role of the rich hypochondriac who employs a veritable flock of quack doctors to treat his imagined illnesses.

Playwright David Ball says, ?The chance to work with either director Dominique Serrand or actor Steven Epp is a privilege; the chance to work with both at once is a privilege I could never pass up. Dominique is one of the few true geniuses directing in American theater. Steven is so outrageously good that I would write any role for him he ever wanted to do. Just having a script of mine done is no longer important to this old guy ? been there done that a hundred times ? but tempt me with Serrand and Epps and I?m all in.?

In The Imaginary Invalid, David Ball says, ?A hypochondriac named Argan (Steve Epp) lets his monomania take over his life; he depends on quack doctors and a smorgasbord of enemas to keep him alive. He wants his daughter [Katie Paxton as Little Angel] to marry a famous doctor, so there?ll be a doctor right in the house. But his daughter is in love with someone else. It?s a fun and commonplace little plot that opens the door to a larger world of obsession, sanity, and a sobering confrontation with Death.?

The rest of PlayMakers Repertory Company cast for Moli?re?s Imaginary Invalid includes (in alphabetical order) David Adamson as Dr. Lysol, Jeffrey Blair Cornell as Dr. Wachauvia, Ray Dooley as Ergo, Julie Fishell as a Nurse, Kathryn Hunter-Williams as Klytemnestra, Nilan Johnson as the Bucket Boy, Nathan Keepers as Dr. St. Judas, Maren Searle as Louise, Josh Tobin as Irving Luigi, and Molly Ward as Toinette. Isabelle Carson DeWitt, John Dreher, Todd Lewis, and Jessica Sorgi play Orderlies.

In addition to playwright David Ball and director Dominique Serrand, the show?s creative team includes PlayMakers Rep producing artistic director Joseph Haj, scenic designer Rachel Hauck, costume designer Sonya Berlovitz, co-lighting designers Marcus Dilliard and Jesse Cogswell, sound designer/engineer Robert Dagit, production manager Michael Rolleri, dramaturg Adam Vers?nyi, and stage manager Charles K. Bayang.

Dominique Serrand says the show?s set is ?a scenographic set of spaces creating dynamic and great flow for the play?s surprising happenings?. The lighting is a long gesture, instead of a series of effects[, and the costumes are] Contemporary [but] influenced by the period.?

He also cautions Triangle theatergoers that ?The play will include strong language.?

In adapting Moli?re?s final play for a 21st century audience, David Ball says, he faced three major challenges: ?(1) Replicating for modern audiences the outrageous shock value the original had on its audiences. (2) Getting past the expectation that Moli?re just wrote funny plays without tragic foundation, and accomplishing this without losing the play?s endless comedy. (3) Since French and its robust overtones cannot be translated into American English, finding ways for the robustness of American English to make up for what translation from French necessarily removes.?

Dominique Serrand says that biggest challenge as a director staging The Imaginary Invalid is: ?Respecting the playfulness and the original vision of Moli?re in the performance, including Moli?re?s own death. He was very sick as he appeared onstage playing the lead character.?

PlayMakers Repertory Company presents Moli?re?s IMAGINARY INVALID, the world premiere of a new adaptation by David Ball, at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24-26 Previews, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 27 Opening Night, 2 p.m. Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3, 2 p.m. Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6-10, and 2 p.m. Nov. 11 in the Paul Green Theatre in the Center for Dramatic Art, 120 Country Club Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514, on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus.

TICKETS: $20-$40, except $50 Opening Night (Oct. 27th), $15 Tuesdays, $10 UNC students, and $12 other students.

BOX OFFICE: 919-962-PLAY (7529) or

GROUP RATES (15+ tickets): 919-843-2311,, or







The Imaginary Invalid: (Wikipedia).

Moli?re: (Wikipedia).

NOTE 1: There will be FREE post-performance discussions with the creative team on Oct. 31st and Nov. 4th.

NOTE 2: There will $8.50 Student Matinees at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 1st and 7th. To reserve tickets, e-mail For more information, click

NOTE 3: There will be an Open Captioned performance at 2 p.m. on Nov. 3rd. For details, click

NOTE 4: Arts Access, Inc. ( of Raleigh will audio-describe an All-Access Performance at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 6th, which will also feature sign-language interpretation and Large-Print and Braille programs and ? if requested in advance by e-mail to ? a tactile tour of the set.

NOTE 5: At 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 10th and at 2 p.m. on Nov. 11th, there will be FREE post-show ?Mindplay? discussions sponsored by the N.C. Psychoanalytic Foundation (, the Lucy Daniels Foundation (, and N.C. Psychoanalytic Society (

David Ball: (PlayMakers Repertory Company).

Dominique Serrand: (PlayMakers Repertory Company).


Robert W. McDowell is editor and publisher of Triangle Theater Review, a FREE weekly e-mail theatrical newsletter that provides more comprehensive, in-depth coverage of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill theater than all of the other news media combined. This preview is reprinted with permission from Triangle Theater Review.

To start your FREE subscription to this newsletter, e-mail and type SUBSCRIBE TTR in the Subject: line.

To read all of Robert W. McDowell?s Triangle Theater Review previews and reviews online at Triangle Arts & Entertainment, click


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Tagged as: David Ball, Dominique Serrand, Imaginary Invalid, Moli?re, Playmakers, PlayMakers Rep, PlayMakers Repertory Company, PRC


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Cities With The Highest Job Growth - Business Insider

Some cities are experiencing economic recovery faster than others.?

To find out which areas are producing the most job growth after the recession,?CareerBuilder teamed up with the Economic Modeling Specialists (EMSI) to see where the top markets are located.

?There is a close correlation between the top locations for job growth and the concentration of fast-growing industries in those markets,? said Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder, in the study released Wednesday.

?Technology hiring is a big contributor for growth in the Bay Area and Raleigh and while Texas cities, Oklahoma and Salt Lake are benefiting from strong oil and gas activity. The rebound in manufacturing helped to land Detroit in the top ten while healthcare continues to thrive in Phoenix.?

The study looked at jobs created in the most most populous metros?from 2010 to 2012.


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Tuesday 23 October 2012

The New York Times > Page Not Found

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  • Check the Archives. Most articles remain online for seven days after publication. Articles back to 1851 are available through The New York Times Article Archive. 1851 ? present.
  • Report the broken link. If you clicked on a headline or other link on, you can report the missing page.


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Official Announcement of FamilySearch Family Tree on the way

Today, 22 October 2012, has been down most of the day and unavailable. However, it is likely that this downtime in in preparation for the "Official" introduction of the program during the week of 29 October to 2 November, 2012. The Mesa FamilySearch Library received an email announcement to that effect and has been sharing the information with all the Library volunteers.

I am not really certain what will happen to the program in conjunction with the Official Announcement, since it has been operational for some time and available to anyone who wanted to register and obtain the freely available invitation. What is likely is that Family Tree may now appear on the menu, with or without signing in. I doubt that the connection between and Family Tree will be severed until the users of both programs have gotten used to the idea of the newer program, but that is a possibility. More likely is that the name Family Tree will appear on the menu, but the two programs will remain connected for the time being.


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Monday 22 October 2012

Online Internet Business Cards - Work At Home

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The 90s strike back! - Video Game Blog, Video Games Reviews ...

Ever since the console release of Capcom?s Street Fighter 4 in 2009 2d fighters are enjoying a good degree of popularity once again. Trying to ride the success of Marvel VS Capcom 3 and the Marvel Avengers movie, Capcom releases on PSN and XBLA a new collection called Marvel VS Capcom Origins, cointaining two 90s two dimensions fighters: Marvel Super Heroes and the first Marvel VS Capcom.
Do these two games still hold their own after all these years or will Capcom?s collection only attract nostalgics? Let?s find out.

Nostalgia calling

To be completely honest, I can?t really understand why these two games have been choosen for the collection.
The Marvel VS Capcom franchise main feature is the tag team mechanic, where each player chooses 2 or more fighters, can swap them anytime during battle and even unleash some devasting combination attacks; Marvel Super Heroes features the standard 1 vs 1 formula without any tag team option
It?s not like it?s a bad game, but I think including X Men VS Street Fighter or Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter too would have been more appropriate, since they are the first steps of the VS franchise and, nostalgia wise, it would have been a better choice altogether.
And nostalgia definitely is one of the main selling points of this collection and Capcom didn?t even try to hide it!
The Games are identical to their 90s counterparts in every possible way: graphics wise, sound wise and gameplay wise these two games are a trip back in the 90s, when these big detailed sprites dominated arcade cabinets.
To improve the nostalgic feeling of the collection, Capcom added 2 video options, one to simulate old CRT televisions and another to slight distort the image, simulating an old arcade cabinet screen.
These options will probably be fun for a couple minutes and most players will revert to the regular video option after some time.
Gameplay wise, how do the two fighters hold up? Quite frankly, they?re still very fun, despite their shortcomings.

Avengers, Assemble!

As I mentioned before Marvel Super Heroes, the second Capcom fighter featuring Marvel comics heroes, sports a traditonal 1 versus 1 gameplay, where players can unleash special attacks through the usual 2d fighters stick motions and even more devastating attacks called Infinity Combo after charging a special meter bar placed at the bottom of the screen. The fighters roster is quite diverse and feautures many fans? favourites like Captain America, Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine, Wolverine and Cyclops and a few villains like Blackheart, Shuma Gorath and Doctor DoomGameplay is enriched by the presence of special gems called Infinity Gems which grant some bonuses for a short amount of time during the fight.Graphics and sound wise we get what we could expect from a 90s 2d fighting game: sprites and backgrounds are nicely detailed and animated and the soundtrack manages to do its job, although some of the tracks sound a bit repetitive.

When two different worlds collide

Marvel VS Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes, released in 1998, is a turning point of the franchise: with this game Capcom started to expand the roster way beyond the Street Fighters characters including characters from other Capcom games like Darkstalker, Megaman, Strider and Captain Command. The Marvel roster gets expanded too with the inclusion of Spiderman?s nemesis Venom and a mix of characters already present in Marvel Super Heroes and XMen Vs Street Fighters.
Gameplay wise Capcom refined the tag team formula: players will choose two characters to use in combat and will be able to switch them at will during play. Nice additions are the Duo Team Attacks which allow the player to use both characters at the same time for a brief time with unlimited super moves usage and the Assist Characters which can be summoned for a limited amount of time to assist the player. These characters aren?t normaly usable so it feels like each time is composed by 3 characters, a prelude to the future evolution of the series.
Graphics wise we?re not too far from the other game in the collection except for a bit more details in both characters and backgrounds. The same can be said about soundtrack: it does its job well but there?s hardly anything memorable.

Now it?s time to take them on!

The only modern touch in the collection is, obviuosly, the online multiplayer mode. The online infrastructure is really well done: I experienced very little lag playing with people all over Europe and even when playing with someone far I didn?t experience too many problems.
The main issue with playing online comes from some unbalancing problems of the games: people playing online will try to win at any cost, so you?ll probably costantly fight the powered up versions of Hulk, Iron Man and Venom.
Not being technical fighters, the charm of these games lies in the easy to pick up and play nature and the unbalanced roster but with competitive play this may become an issue.
Final Verdict

I used to play these games when they were released and I had fun playing them again, probably as much as I did back then thanks to online play; nostalgia has probably a lot to do with this.
Players who never played these games in the past are probably better off looking elsewhere since some others 2d fighters are more refinite with more modern and compelling mechanics. Nostalgics like myself are probably going to really enjoying themselves, remembering those times where reading ? Insert Coins? on the arcade cabinets screens made them full of excitement!

The game is available on both PSN (12,99 euros) and XBox Live Arcade (1200 Microsoft points)



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Saturday 20 October 2012

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When Should Elder Parents Start Making Legal ... - Milo Law

Beth Ann Miller of Dallas, Texas asks :

My parents are in their late 60's and my father was recently diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer's disease. The subject of estate planning has never been brought up with the family but I'm worried my father hasn't adequately prepared for something like this. He tends to be a very proud man and is closed to discussing personal finance or health concerns. My mother has never dealt with the household finances without my father so I'm very worried she'll be overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for my father while managing the household finances. My brother and I are both out of state, so our involvement would be limited at best. Should my parents start making legal arrangements now or should they wait until the situation worsens?

Beth Ann,

So sorry to hear about your father's diagnosis but there are certainly actions your family can and should take to ensure your mother is well cared for in the event your father's situation takes a turn for the worse. To begin with, you should speak to your parents about seeking counsel from a Dallas elder law lawyer who will be able to assist your family in setting up a plan of action based on your family's specific needs. There is no cookie cutter solution but things that come to mind would be setting up a Spousal Care Trust and relegating Powers of Attorney to your mother or another family member.

It is always advisable to make these important legal preparations in advance for seeable and unforseeable circumstances that can and will arise from an Alzheimer's diagnosis. For a more thorough evaluation of your family's specific needs, you can begin by contacting a Dallas elder law firm and speaking to a qualified legal advisor. Waiting until the last minute could cause undue stress at a time when the primary focus is caring for a loved one.


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Thursday 18 October 2012

Presidential debate: Obama is back

President Obama seemed steady and relaxed in last night's presidential debate, Reich writes, a departure from Obama's rigid and passive performance in the first presidential debate.

By Robert Reich,?Guest blogger / October 17, 2012

President Barack Obama smiles onstage after the conclusion of his debate with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in the second US presidential debate Tuesday. The president's performance in the debate will almost certainly stop Romney's momentum, Reich writes.

Lucas Jackson/Reuters


He?s back.?

Skip to next paragraph Robert Reich

Robert is chancellor?s professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Clinton. Time Magazine?named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century. He has written 13 books, including ?The Work of Nations,? his latest best-seller ?Aftershock: The Next Economy and America?s Future," and a new?e-book, ?Beyond Outrage.??He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause.

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Last night our president was articulate and forceful ? in sharp contrast to his performance in the first presidential debate. He stated his beliefs. He defended his record. He told America where he wanted to take the nation in his second term.?

And he explained where Romney wanted to take us.?

For example: ?Romney says he?s got a five-point plan. Governor Romney doesn?t have a five-point plan; he has a one-point plan. And that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of rules. That?s been his philosophy in the private sector; that?s been his philosophy as governor; that?s been his philosophy as a presidential candidate. You can make a lot of money and pay lower tax rates than somebody who makes a lot less. You can ship jobs overseas and get tax breaks for it. You can invest in a company, bankrupt it, lay off the workers, strip away their pensions, and you still make money.?


?Governor Romney ? was on ?60 Minutes? just two weeks ago, and he was asked, is it fair for somebody like you, making $20 million a year, to pay a lower tax rate than a nurse or a bus driver, somebody making $50,000 a year? And he said, yes, I think that?s fair. Not only that, he said, I think that?s what grows the economy. Well, I fundamentally disagree with that.?

Obama told voters what Romney?s plan was for women (take away their freedom of choice), and for Hispanics (allow police to stop them and demand proof of citizenship, as in the Arizona law ?that?s his [Romney?s] policy, and it?s bad policy.?)

He took responsibility for the security lapse in Libya, but made sure Americans understood the danger in Romney?s shoot-from-the-hip, rush to judgment approach to foreign policy.?

And the President explained why the way to create more jobs and to get the economy back on track is to strengthen the middle class, in sharp contrast to Romney?s trickle-down redux.?

Romney was as combative as in the first debate, but our newly-invigorated president made Romney?s combativeness look like that of a child in a tantrum rather than a principled adult with facts and detailed proposals to support his position.?

Romney was also an automaton ? moving robot-like across the stage, repeating the same scripted paragraphs in answers to different questions as if he had been programmed with a limited number of options.?

Obama, by contrast, seemed steady and relaxed.?

The debate left me relieved ? the President?s performance will almost certainly stop Romney?s momentum, and may turn the tide ? but also left me perplexed. Where was this Barack Obama in the last presidential debate? Was it the altitude in Denver, a failure of preparation, exhaustion, a temporary emotional glitch??

Mostly, though, I?m glad Barack is back.?

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here. This post originally ran on


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