Saturday, 17 September 2011

Prevent Business Sabotage By Engaging In Self Improvement

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By: Washington Orwell Xavier

You have tried everything you can think of to make your business work. Many times it is a great idea to walk away from it for a little while. When was the last time you looked very objectively at the way you think about things? Try to develop the habit of knowing your own thought processes and what comes up in your day. Did it ever occur to you that you hold and give energy to highly negative ways of thinking? We are suggesting that these habits of thinking are making an adverse impact on your present level of success. Have you ever thought that working on your self improvement could be the key to your success?

Are you trying to do too many new processes at once? Are you balking at this because it means you must leave you "comfort zone"? This could be your problem In other words, you have a hard time stepping out of your comfort zone. But do not feel all alone on this one because there are many people who have this same issue. There are many different situations that represent going outside your comfort zone. If you really give it some thought, you will be able to identify your anxiety triggers and comfort areas. Take it small steps one by one and you will find it easier to tackle this problem. Don't try to do everything at once. Do something that is a little hard to do but perhaps represents the least threatening. Keep trying until you have successfully completed the first hurdle and then progress to the next one with more confidence.

Do you have your own unique procedure for accomplishing what you need to do each day? Most people do. Most people have some kind of process they follow to keep themselves organized. Do you have a procedure to stay organized that you are comfortable with? You would know the answer to that question better than anyone else.

Are you trying to function day to day in an environment of total disorder? Make a decision right now to become orderly and watch how things change for the better. Is your workspace or home submerged in chaos. Do you get overwhelmed just looking at the mess and spend more time than necessary just doing a simple task? This is typical for someone who has an unorganized lifestyle. That makes a lot of sense when you think about it because everything is scattered over forty acres. So take some time out, and do what is needed to become more organized and see the difference.

Just stop doing this madness. Don't feel obligated to try every new system that comes down the pike. Take the highest priority task that needs to be done and concentrate on it exclusively until you finish. When it's completed, move forward to the next item on your list. You may be forced to give up some old behaviors or habits to do this successfully. So, get busy taking action today. You will be pleased with the results. If you have never really attempted self improvement of any kind, then we feel you should think about it. But you know you need to do what is best for you and your business. You do realize that positive action is what is needed, and this is no different.

One surefire method to boost yourself is to write a novel on something you are a professional in. There are plenty of cheap self publishing companies that can help you out. Why don't you get going right now?

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Article From Articles and Success


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