Written by Amy Jo Goddard on 04 October 2011
People are often confused by what I do when I tell them I am a Sexual Empowerment Coach and Sexuality Educator. The other day someone said, ?Oh, so you do prevention??
I smiled and explained that prevention might be one small piece of a holistic approach to sexuality, and that I?m more about creating and expanding sexuality than preventing it!
This week, I want to answer the question, ?What does it mean to be a sexually empowered person??
A person who is Authentically Sexually Empowered and lives their life in alignment with their Erotic Authenticity is someone who:
- Is intimately connected to their sexual self
- Identifies and experiences wants and desires without crossing the boundaries of another
- Communicates needs, wants and desires without blame or shame
- Accepts rejection without taking it personally
- Feels at home in their self and their body
- Sets authentic boundaries and means it
- Is educated about how their body, pleasure and relationships ?work?
- Knows and utilizes available options for sexual expression and erotic experience
- Feels fully sexually expressed and when they are not in full expression, they know how to get there
- Thoughtfully explores sex and sexuality so that they can make clear distinctions about what?s right for them and what?s not
- Develops and uses skills to make pleasureful, satisfying, fulfilling sex their norm
- Forms relationships and develops intimacy that supports the highest expression of their core energy
- Expresses a range of emotions in healthy ways that do not harm themselves or others
- Identifies defense patterns in relationships and works to overcome them and replace them with healthy ways of connecting to others
- Develops healthy coping skills for managing difficult emotions, grief and pain
- Engages in clean, clear communication
- Works to heal and release any shame, guilt or trauma about their sexuality
- Heals the need to be competitive with others and to release patterns of lack, deprivation and feeling like they ?can?t have it all?
- Critically examines cultural messages about sexuality, gender and sex
- Rejects and challenges sexual stereotypes, assumptions, false ideas and cultural myths that hinder, impair, squash or dim their magnificent sexual self
- Identifies and experiences erotic authenticity even when socially popular ideas pressure them to do or like something else
- Explores and develops an authentic sexual identity and does not need to hide or shift that identity to feel comfortable and safe in their life
- Knows they never have to settle and that choosing one key desire and forsaking another is a false choice
- Makes authentic sexual decisions
- Experiences joy and pleasure regularly and as a norm in life
- Develops their confidence and sexual self-esteem
- Lives in alignment with their desires
- Shines their light in its full bigness & juiciness in the world
- Feels at home in themselves and moves through the world from a place of self-intimacy
I hope this list is thought-provoking. Please comment with your own ideas for what you would add to this list or your feelings about what is here. I hope you are living your own Sexually Empowered Life! If you don?t feel like you are, contact me about how I can help! That?s what I do.
Source: http://amyjogoddard.com/the-sexually-empowered-life-808
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