Friday, 17 August 2012

Women's Health Issues Revealed - How Can You Lose Weight


Article by Holly Johansen

There are a million details about women?s Health that are never talked about. Most of these can be tied to diet and eating habits. I?ve come to the conclusion that the age old adage ?you are what you eat? even though it?s a little cornball is absolutly true.

Women?s health can be delicate and every extra lb. we carry around can cause trouble down the road. If you?re in your twenties you?re probably not too concerned about this yet and are enjoying the gifts of youth. Just remember that every day when you?re young that you make bad food choices you will pay for in your forties and fifties and for the rest of your life. This is definately some sort of cosmic sin meter. Women?s health and weight loss go hand and hand so let?s take a closer look. If you?re over your ideal body weight that means your BMI(body mass index) is high and your system is probably highly acidic.

If you want to avoid stroke,diabetes,heart failure cancer and the whole host of physical complexities and the problems that can come with age then start now. A large percentage of women?s health Issues can be caused by diet, so what are you going to do about it? The main thing is to educate yourself. Read everything you can both online and off and absorb what you learn and make comparisons. Think for yourself and then take responsibility.

What I?ve discovered is that ph balance is everything when it comes to women?s health. Do you want to avoid disease? Of course you do so here?s what you do?Go to the local cosco,wal-mart or drugstore TODAY and pick up a ph kit.These kits don?t cost much and there are kits for saliva and for urine. Take it home and read the instructions and after you take the test it will show you your body?s ph level.

Let me explain something to you? one of the greatest women?s health secrets is that when the body is alkeline (your results will show you) disease cannot live and thrive in the body,(unless it?s too late of course) A highly acidic read out means that you need to start working on matters the second your test is finished. Cancer can thrive in this atmosphere and in the concerns for women?s health we have to consider breast cancer.

Here?s what you can do to begin to turn your body?s ph level around. Begin again by goin back to the stores mentioned above and looking in the housewares or kitchen gadgets section. Look for a juicer and purchase one. These generally run between 50-60.00 which is not cheap but it?s a small price to pay to retain a disease free body.This is my own personal health miracle and I use it often. If you use it everyday you will see results quickly. Your hair, skin, gums and nails will glow and you will just feel the love. Your skin will be softer you will feel lighter and it will speed your weight loss. I reccomend the wide mouth kind so you can put veggies(green as possible) in whole and it will save you both time and labor.Use fruit as well and combine them. Apple is a perfect sweetner and you can?t go wrong. Try using organice produce for best results.

After a couple weeks of using a juicer,cutting out processed/packaged and refined foods, eating organically and excercising you will begin to get your health back on track. Walking is the best weight loss method for anyone I don?t care what anyone says. Cleansing is also a good start to any weight loss program, this will help you flush the toxins and fat cells and it can be amazing in helping stop cravings by rebalancing hormones. Try using a ph kit every month to see if you?re staying on the alkeline side. Women?s health is in jeapordy in this country because of misinformation and food companies that do not care about you. Be careful?make wise food choices and you will shine forth as God intended.Your health is a precious thing, here?s wishing you good karma and success in all your endeavors?.

If you?d like to learn more about weight loss I?d like to invite you to the following link.

About the Author

Holly Johansen is a published poet and songwriter and an advocate of indigenous native herbalism.

If you?d like to learn more about weight loss I invite you to the following website.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Holly Johansen is a published poet and songwriter and an advocate of indigenous native herbalism.

If you?d like to learn more about weight loss I invite you to the following website.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

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