Sunday 17 June 2012

TSA to fire 7 airport workers for misconduct

By news services

Seven workers at Philadelphia International Airport face termination for misconduct, the Transportation Security Adminstration announced Friday.?

Several employees at the airport allegedly participated in bribery, TSA said in a statement.

The airport workers are accused of accepting or giving money in exchange for passing TSA employees in annual proficiency tests.


An eight-month investigation conducted by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General found that at least one training inspector accepted payments or bribes from security officers who were taking the tests.

That instructor pleaded guilty to a charge of bribery in federal district court in February. Ten employees had been removed from their security duties last November as a result of the investigation; three have since designed and TSA is recommending the remaining seven be fired.

"The decision to remove these employees affirms our strong commitment to our vital security mission and the safety of the traveling public," said Chris McLaughlin, assistant administrator for TSA's Office of Security Operations said in a statement released today.

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