Friday 20 July 2012

Homemade vs Store Bought : Ideas for Women Home and Family Blog

Image Credit: Rita Hernandez

Which do you prefer, homemade items or store bought? As far as clothing, etc most of the item I go with store bought but when it comes to food I try to make it all as homemade as I possibly can. The reason behind all of this is because when I control what goes into the food I can control how healthy or unhealthy it is. Many of my friends however worry that making homemade items is much more expensive than buying them at the store.

The truth is that my grocery bill goes up when I stock up on items such as flour and breadcrumbs. When I make pancake mixes for the pantry they end up costing around $2.00 for a mix that will make 24? pancakes. That is of curse breaking down the costs such as pricing the flour by the cup. Every few months I stock up on the items I use the most and this cuts down those costs a bit.

I do admit that their are times when I break down and buy a box of breakfast bars or a loaf of bread because like most mothers I am swamped with work or just tired some days. Those are the days that I feel like the worst mother in the world.

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