Thursday 8 September 2011

Corruption means no money for hungry Kenya kids (AP)

NAIROBI, Kenya ? International donors are spending nearly half a billion dollars to feed starving Kenyans, even after tens of millions of dollars went missing in a string of corruption scandals within the country.

Government spokesman Alfred Mutua said Thursday that legislators also raided a fund for emergencies to reimburse themselves for taxes on their $10,000 a month salaries.

The U.N. says about 3.75 million Kenyans need food aid following a severe drought. Activists say the effects of the drought have been exacerbated by corruption in Kenya and warn it will only get worse as elections approach in 2012.

Audits have found tens of millions of dollars missing from various programs to help the poor. Among them are a plan to send poor children to school and a program to help those living in the drought-ravaged north.


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