Tuesday 6 September 2011

Friendship In A Different Dimension From A Good Friend Forum ...


Friendship . . .

. . . is you.
. . . is love.
. . . is shared.
. . . is forgiving.
. . . is understanding.
. . . is shared secrets.
. . . heals many hurts.
. . . is not judgmental.
. . . is shared laughter.
. . . is slow and steady.
. . . can be angry at times.
. . . is dependable and true.
. . . is more precious than silver or gold.
. . . is meant to be savored like fine wine.
. . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect.
. . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection.
. . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow.
. . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day.
. . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times.
. . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden.
. . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds.
. . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there.
. . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding.
. . . reaches into your heart and grabs a firm hold.
. . . is a refreshing rain on a hot day.
. . . is sunshine through the clouds.
. . . cannot be forced or induced.
. . . is relaxed and comfortable.
. . . is a shoulder to lean on.
. . . is an ear to whine to.
. . . gets better with age.
. . . is shared tears.
. . . is shared pain.
. . . is shared joy.
. . . is shared.
. . . is love.
. . . is you.

Submitted by: Ln.J.Leo

Originally sent to me by : Mrs.Olive Wanbui, South Africa

Sep 05 at 11:53AM (48 Views)

Answers (1 - 2 of 1)

Very Sweet indeed sweeter than sugar. I lik I like.Wsh if I cn b all of those n b able. Tanx

Sep 05 at 06:12PM


Ln.J Leo. close J Lo. from Hollywood. What r u trying 2 send 2 us of yr above message. Best u can do is go 4 a massage. Doop

Sep 05 at 12:05PM


Quick Reply :

Source: http://www.livehealthclub.com/friendship-in-a-different--dimension-from-a-good-friend-t471156.html

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